Open Collective
Open Collective

Utu Ā Matimati


Takatāpui art collective


Utu Ā Matimati is all of us

Our contributors 16

Thank you for supporting Utu Ā Matimati.



$5,000 NZD

Rule Foundation

$70,000 NZD

Joshua Mir


$1,250 NZD


$601 NZD


$575 NZD



$125 NZD

Samara Leah

$95 NZD

Cinta Damerell


$70 NZD


Transparent and open finances.

Balance transfer
Balance transfer

Donation to Utu a Matimati

from UTU A MATIMATI MANATOPU to Utu Ā Matimati
-$24,480.48 NZD
Today’s balance

--.-- NZD

Total raised

$87,217.54 NZD

Total disbursed

$87,217.54 NZD

Estimated annual budget

$23,156.09 NZD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Utu Ā Matimati

Updates on our activities and progress.

Utu Zine Launch Party!

Kia ora koutou! The time is finally here! We are launching our Zine this Saturday! Apologies for the few and far between updates.. we’ve been grinding against all odds and obstacles! Truly! But thanks to your support it’s all worth it. If y...
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Published on March 19, 2023 by Kauri

Zine Update x

Kia ora Whānau! A quick message to update everyone on what's happening with us here at Utu! We’re currently in the process of having our kōrero with the artists we want to highlight and finalising the works they want to share in this first...
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Published on December 15, 2022 by Lyss


Utu ā Matimati translates as “to take back what belongs to you” Meaning.. land, culture, identity. A reclaimation. We are a Takatāpui lead arts collective, we host workshops in our Studio based in the heart of Pōneke city and publish art magazines with a focus on identity and decolonising through the practice of mahi toi (art). We are very much a community, our kaupapa values Tuakana Teina relationships for Rangatahi Takataapui to have queer, indigenous elders to look up to in a world where we juggle various marginalisations. Being visible and firm in who we are can send a light to those in our community to find a place of belonging. so Nau Mai Haere Mai. Welcome to Utu x

Te Whare o Uenuku // Huriana Kopeke-Te Aho

Our team