The talk is really interesting and describes how Storybook uses Verdaccio in their End to End pipeline.
The verdaccio docker image is rocking it, last month the docker pull reached almost 11 million docker pull (that's twice than any other open source registry available) and we broke the floor of 50 million docker pull by 1st September. The growth of the image ha been constant and unstoppable, and even this month seems to back to normal average around 4.5 million downloads is still a huge achievement, looking forward get to 100 million. Also there is an increment in downloads from npmjs which is less popular than the Docker image, but it has been quite constant along the 2021, with an average of 1.8 million yearly.
There are a lot of new ideas on the queue, depending of the resources some will be included and others moved to future releases. The full road map is available here
One more thing, we have a new YouTube channel, , at this point will collect only the talks have been made and others we had in our collection from meetups and conferences than mention or speak about verdaccio. Please subscribe, if we get to 100 subscribers I can set a custom name to the channel, that would be great and maybe future tutorials, so, keep tuned.
Thanks for your support and see you in the next update.