Open Collective
Open Collective

VivaVega - Loving Hut Express

Vegan Organic Food Catering & Services

Total amount contributed

$266.36 USD


Transparent and open finances.


Contribution #7844


Life is a feast, long live life! And this goes best with lively foods, foods full of energy from the sun and the earth; whole foods that provide a light and yet fulfilled feeling. Foods that nourish, not fill. And which also burdens our environment the least, with respect for the animals and our fellow human beings. So: vegan food; Viva Vega!

Since we operate our 2 foodtrucks, our focus is mainly on this aspect of our business. There is no more time for cooking classes or workshops, and limited space for regular catering. Please contact us to see what's possible.

In short, the basic principles in the Viva Vega kitchen:

  • Whole: foods very close to their natural state. That means as least refined and modified ingredients as possible, but full of vitamins, minerals, fibre and other nutrients that occur naturally in vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. Whole also means balanced: the dishes and menus presented here, ensure there's a balanced composition of the most important nutrients, so you leave the table satisfied and charged with energy.

  • Natural: ingredients from organic sources: less toxins, more taste. Vegetables and fruits don't need to be peeled, giving extra nutrients. Natural also means the use of local and seasonal produce. To eat mainly from our own climate zone is logical and protects us from all kinds of ailments.

  • Plant-based: a vegan diet gives us everything we need to be very healthy and happy, providing the above mentioned principles are considered. It has the smallest impact on our environment, requires the least energy and farmland to feed more people. And it also gets rid of a lot of violence and suffering in this world.

  • Delicious!

This could be called gourmet vegan macrobiotics, with additional influences from Thailand, China, India and the Middle East. So, no dogmas: once in a while one can also fully enjoy spicy food, coconut milk, white rice and exotic fruit for example. Please refer to the recipe section which is updated periodically.

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