💃 Viva Vivero! at the CoFundEco Community Gathering
From our hearts to yours, we invite you to celebrate with us as we share our Viva Vivero 2024 stories of learning this coming Friday, June 14, at 5 pm CEST.
Friday, June 14, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: Vivero
Fiscal Host: Sustainable Futures Institute

We’ve been quiet these past moons, yet dancing with emergence and weaving many threads into valuable coherence. Since we hosted the Turtle Giving Round and shared our learning and experiences last in 2023, it has been an eventful time for the Vivero Circle with multiple adventures in individual and collective learning. Changes in the outer environment also gifted us with a beautiful moment for contemplative enquiry into our collective identity and vision. ✨
Vivero’s calling to be a collectively stewarded giving trust with bioregional focus that enables regenerative communities to connect, collaborate, and co-create around multiple value flows is stronger than ever and still at the heart of what we do and how we show up in the Vivero Stewardship Circle. 🌱
Earth Regenerators’ closure in March 2024 might have spelled collapse had it not coincided with Vivero’s own impulse for autonomy. This organic confluence of inner and outer change has birthed a quantum leap! While continuing to facilitate multiple value flows within specific projects and exploring pathways beyond Horizon 1, we successfully dedicated much energy to restructuring financially and legally with an aligned fiscal sponsor. We will share more details about all this separately.
We are strengthening the Stewardship Circle, our technology team, and on-ground relationships, working with key partners to embed Vivero technology directly in the soil of real community need. ♾️
From our hearts to yours, we invite you to celebrate with us as we share our Viva Vivero 2024 stories of learning this coming Friday, June 14, at 5 pm CEST.
Please see your local time and RSVP via the CoFundEco calendar: https://teamup.com/ksm8n8ujb3s5w5swqo/events/1678965354
In the Spirit of Togetherness,
Kath weaving voices from the Vivero Circle
Our team
midi berry
Sandra Ghaoui
Jonathan Cloud
Todd Youngblood
Earth Regener...
Paula Veselov...