Vivero Sagittarius New Moon Story Space 🌑
The Sagittarius New Moon marks the last invitation I will extend to join me for a Vivero New Moon Story Space. Sagittarius energies help us to see how we’ve grown and evolved over these past seasons and to re-attune our visions for the future.
Saturday, December 16, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: Vivero
Fiscal Host: Sustainable Futures Institute

The colourful autumn leaves are mainly gone; they danced away with the last cold breeze from the East to the tunes of the few remaining geese who summoned their friends to go South to their winter home. 🍂🪿
Only 24 hours later, the first snowflakes flew in from the West. It was a mesmerizing synchronization in silence to witness before they landed in unity on the ground to become a white blanket of purity and brightness. ❄️
The white beauty is a sweet remembering of winter in the North and how much I have missed the magic of snow. Being with snow gives me a soothing relief after the many weeks of darkness and heaviness we collectively have carried. 🌬️❤️🔥
The Sagittarius New Moon marks the last invitation I will extend to join me for a Vivero New Moon Story Space. 🌑
Sagittarius energies help us to see how we’ve grown and evolved over these past seasons and to re-attune our visions for the future. One more time, I would love to sit around the virtual fire with you all, especially with my fellow Turtle Cohort, to immerse in a Listening Circle, contemplating in shared heart-space:
- What have you learned about who you are now?
- What have been your brightest insights and failures?
- What are you celebrating? And remembering?
Please note I intentionally want us to sit around a virtual fire, so I invite you to meet in AROUND instead of Zoom. I kindly ask you to dial in a few minutes early to give yourself plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the different tech - there is no need to download the software or create an account, as you can join via your browser and as a Guest. I’ll be there 10 minutes before the circle opens to help. You can always message me via telegram or in ER Mighty Networks.
With love from a snow-crystal heart,
Kath 🩵
If you missed the 5th Vivero New Moon Story Space, where we tended the fire in communion with the Queen and King of the Underworld to honour the Scorpio New Moon, please enjoy this Syntropic Wisdom Harvest.