My dreaming heart wishes for you to enjoy this Wisdom Harvest in support of the Tezhuna people, who have their roots in the ancient coastal mountain range of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Northern Colombia: the Kogis, the Arhuacos, the Wiwas, and the Kankuamos.
Supporting indigenous communities and amplifying their profound wisdom has been an essential fractal of a long-nurtured dream of mine. When the opportunity of crafting a Wisdom Harvest for the Tezhuna people knocked on my heart, I could witness how my “Modernity-conditioned” mind tried to overtone my heart: Voices of inadequacy and nothing being good enough performed a vicious dance inside me. I did not ignore these voices. Instead, I listened to them and realized their critics are indeed helpful, but they aren’t powerful enough to stop my heart from stepping just a little more firmly into my dream:
I dream of a world where we live in harmony with All Life again, where feminine and masculine energies are dancing in balance, and where we collectively embody selflessness and flow in a frequency of unconditional love.
So, I did what they said you should do: Funk the Fear! Feel the fear and do it anyway.
When I received the heartfelt response to my first draft from Sandra, who co-hosted the gathering of the Elder Brothers and many of us Little Brothers, I could feel how my heart creation is a gift that can make the miracle I am dreaming of come true. Yet, no one alone can make miracles happen. It truly takes all brothers and the universe. I am grateful for the universe to have sent me on this journey to meet Vivero and the many caring souls who are part of this dream creation. 🌱
This is a long-winded way to say I am deeply honoured to have had the opportunity to heART this Wisdom Harvest in support of the Tezhuna people. Thank you, Sandra, for your many beautiful gifts and your trust. 🌺
If you don’t have the time and space to immerse yourself in the multi-lingual Wisdom Harvest but wish to support the Tezhuna people, you can contribute through the Vivero Project Page. 💸