Open Collective
Open Collective


Improve Minecraft Build Process


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

With this first tier you can gain access to our Volans building tool and further updates (as long as you are our patreon) for a good but small dona... Read more

Starts at
€4.99 EUR / month
Recurring contribution
Builder Yearly

With this first tier you can gain access to our Volans building tool and further updates (as long as you are our patreon) for a good but small dona... Read more

Starts at
€49.99 EUR / year
Recurring contribution

With this level you can gain access to our volans support to reach out if you need help. In addition you can help us with this donation to improve ... Read more

€19.99 EUR / month
Recurring contribution

If you really appreciate what we do, if you like to be on top of all patreon tiers and you are special, this one would be for you. You gain all adv... Read more

€24.99 EUR / month


What is the purpose of Volans?

The marketplace is filled with many plugins at the moment which are partly outdated or overloaded in their base functionality.
Volans is going to be the active alternative to cover special wishes and modern possibilities.
Currently this plugin is supposed to provide an alternative to following tools:
In addition there are our own unique features which aren’t existing in this manner. Still not convinced? You can flip through our  documentation .

The idea behind Volans:

Our team ( was confronted with issues regarding building better Minecraft builds. This tool was originally thought to be used internally for us. After many thoughts about that we decided to make this tool public available for everyone to use.

Our team


Somebody need to pay the server


I love how we develop code & community