Use FFMpeg encoders directly in Adobe Premiere, Media Encoder and After Effects.

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Financial Contributions
As a Gold Sponsor for giving $20,000 in the span of a year, you will get a medium-large company logo and a link to your website listed on our Spons... Read more
As a Diamond Sponsor for giving $50,000 in the span of a year, you will get a very-large company logo and a link to your website listed on our Spon... Read more
Top financial contributors
$100 USD since Nov 2019
$5 USD since Jan 2022
$2 USD since Jun 2021
$1 USD since Jun 2021
Voukoder is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Voukoder.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Lisa Engel to Voukoder •
Credit from RivenNero to Voukoder •
$92.54 USD
$92.54 USD
--.-- USD
--.-- USD

With Voukoder you can use the best available video and audio encoders. You can use GPU acceleration for both NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards. It is possible to run multiple exports with Media Encoder. You can export in 4:2:0, 4:2:2 and 4:4:4! You want 8 bit, 10 bit or even 12 bit? No problem!
And the best is: It is completely free for you and entirely open source on GitHub!
But Voukoder is not finished yet, and it will never be. Lots of encoders are waiting to be included in the plugin. Video and audio filters want to added and what about subtitle support? There is much more to come and it will be possible - with your support!
Our team
Daniel Stanke...