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Support the following initiatives from Vulpine Labs.

IDE for DNA, 'avatar' editor for your body, including genetic changes and effects, vectors, Genet...
Read and write gene editing vectors directly without expensive reagents

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News from Vulpine Labs

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current page setup

this page is currently being set up, we apologize in advance if there's any incomplete information as we intend to fill out the page with more complete info. if you see any missing information feel free to reach out to let us know. worm reg...
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Published on February 25, 2024 by Inamruzui

Let's evolve in THIS lifetime.

I don't know about you folks, but when I look at all the scientific and computational capabilities of this civilisation already, I see ingredients. When Aevum talks with me and gives me the input of their genius, a recipe forms in my head f...
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Published on February 24, 2024 by Athamanatha Kitsune


We’re Vulpine Labs Inc, a Public Benefit Corporation behind the most important open source project in the history of life on Earth so far. 

Vulpine Labs and our work on the GUESS and Geneticiser systems are part of the broader Put Together group, whose mission is simply to improve existence and the experience of it for everyone. 

Our ideas in a nutshell and frequently asked questions.

Our code repository:

ELI5 of what we intend to build:

Change the instructions that your body has for building or repairing itself 
by first putting those instructions into your computer using a machine that 
reads them from tiny samples of your body. 
Then on your computer you can make a model of the body so you can see what 
happens with each change to those instructions and what instructions you 
need to change to make certain changes or repairs happen in the body. 
Then use that model to work out how is best to put these new instructions 
into the body safely and without making it easy to attack 
And make that best way to do it into a real package of those instructions 
that can be put in the body and can then go round the body changing the 
old instructions to new ones, and can double check its changes. 
This instruction writing and packaging can be done with the same machine to 
the one that reads the instructions from tiny samples. 
The new instructions then decide what the body does, even if the body 
is old it could be told to do new things like grow a certain way or avoid having 
a disease or cancer. 
We want to make such a machine that can do both the reading and writing of 
such instructions, and the software for your computer to make the model of 
the body. 
Lots of people who use their computer with this kind of model of the body 
will be able to send new body instruction sets to each other over the internet 
and so make it faster and easier to make new sets of instructions to fix or 
change their body with. 
This gives everyone including you the freedom to decide your form, your 
health and more. 

Vulpine Labs in a more technically savvy voice: 

With existing tools: basic gene editing with CRISPR and derived technologies, typically works on only a few cell types at a time. 
Using existing tools, we can develop better tools than CRISPR and better tools than the majority of the lab processes and reagents currently in use. It will take us some years, but we can then develop tools that allow the development of much better gene editing vectors and processes, based on a whole body model generated from the DNA itself of the individual. 
In years' time, these tools will enable whole body gene editing for any arbitrary set of genes as long as it works in the in-silico model generated from your DNA. This could mean getting rid of genetic disease susceptibility, adapting to harsh environments, transforming ourselves into whatever shape we want (morphological freedom) and more. The sum total of which is freedom of form. 



The idea of Vulpine Designs is, everyone has (or has access to) a computer which will run a system called the GUESS. 
^ The GUESS in a nutshell. 

Most computers running the (27-module) GUESS will also be connected to a genetic and molecular scanning, manipulation and --bioprinting-- forge device. That's called the Geneticiser. 
To use them: 
Take a sample of your DNA and place it in the Geneticiser. 
On the GUESS, go to The OGRE (Optical Genetic Recognition Engine) module and click to scan. It will use the Geneticiser Driver module to control the Geneticiser and to collect the raw data, and The OGRE module will process it. 
The processed genetic code will then be fed through 20 other modules of software which will determine everything about the body based on its genetic profile as best they can. Environmental and epigenetic factors will be considered too. It will show you a 4D (3D plus time slider) model you can rotate and edit. 
You can then proceed to remove any genetic diseases and susceptibilities for them from your genome, by editing them out in favour of less risky alternatives. The system will warn you about what else gets changed by the cascades of effects that ensue. 
Once you have as healthy a genome as possible, you may proceed to add any changes which are more to do with dysphorias and other non-life-threatening matters. 
When you are satisfied that you have made the body you want to have in the GUESS, you can export its genetic code to a gene-editing vector. If no suitable vector exists for the kind of transformation you want, you can design your own new vector in the DEFS, Vectors Factors and Vectron modules. 

Anonymised versions of the gene editing vectors you designed can be uploaded and shared on the internet through a peer to peer, decentralised system known as Laberation. If you sell them for any money (which will be optional, like on Bandcamp), you will receive commission, as will the hosts of the Laberation nodes the purchases took place on, and the original designers of the vectors if yours was just a mod of a vector you yourself found on Laberation. 
You click Print, or Forge, and the Geneticiser will use the sample you fed it to now construct your vector. It will forge the molecular structures and DNA codes necessary from the parts available to it, minimising waste and minimising cost of use. 
Perhaps a few hundred copies of your vector will have been made, and the Geneticiser will destroy any suboptimal copies to leave you with just the good ones which pass its verification. You then need to get those into your body; perhaps this is via ingestion or injection, it really depends on the vector. 
When the vector is in your body, it will be designed to multiply non-destructively and to go to every cell in the body. It will release its payload in stages, so as not to do anything before all cells are signalling they are ready for that stage. This way, synchronisation can be achieved and all cells can be changed together, or close-as-damnit, to avoid immunorejection and/or eventual dilution of edits. 
An Epigenetic Mothball will be created in every edited cell, containing a backup of the edited parts of the DNA and where they belong. If anything goes wrong, including failure of in-vivo DNA checksums, the mothballs will be unpacked and edited back in. 
The cells will start reading from their new DNA as soon as they have it, because it will program them to. They will start carrying out transformation processes programmed into the DNA, such as growing a tail for example. 
The printed vectors will be uniquely your own and several security measures will ensure they do what you want them to do, and that they cannot spread to anyone else. 

As a result: 
You would download a vaccine. 
You would download a reduced cancer risk. 
You would download adaptations to extreme environments. 
You would download whatever you want to edit into yourself. 


This is a huge project. So far, we've been struggling to juggle day to day living needs with applying for day jobs (or working at them when we have them) and other mundane matters while still trying to find the time to raise any funds for Vulpine Labs (we have Patreon, Ko-Fi and such but little time to do them justice ourselves) and to develop actual code and designs. 

We are frankly terrible salespeople and our attempts to get investors on board have been almost fruitless (small amounts only that were long since spent on setting up the basics of our servers and such). 

Where we excel is the actual systems design and handling the coding and scientific aspects. 

We need you to recognise our vision of a gene editing future that is open source and available to all, and to be our fiscal sponsors and accounting assistance for the vast majority of money coming into our project (existing small Patreon funds aside). Even if we only develop a module at a time of our code, it will be of great utility to scientists and researchers already. The world needs this work. It needs you. 


Please talk to us! I'm @athamanatha on Discord and Telegram. You can also drop us an email. Be sure to mention the Open Collective application. 

Our team