An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$100 USD since May 2018
$100 USD since Nov 2018
$96 USD since May 2018
$70 USD since May 2018
$53 USD since May 2018
$24 USD since May 2018
$18 USD since May 2018
$14 USD since Jan 2019
$12 USD since May 2018
$8 USD since May 2018
WarriorJS is all of us
Our contributors 14
Thank you for supporting WarriorJS.

Transparent and open finances.
Maintenance Work
--.-- USD
$402.98 USD
$402.98 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!

"Legend tells of a legendary sword, forgotten in the ruins of an abandoned tower. Thousands of warriors have set off on a quest for the sword, whose bearer would become enlightened in the JavaScript language."
No matter if you are new to programming or a JavaScript guru, WarriorJS will put your skills to the test. Will you be the one to find The JavaScript Sword?
- New levels!
- New game mechanics and abilities: poison, stun, inner walls, pits, more powerful attacks, etc.
- New graphics: sprites for the warrior and other units, tiles and walls, tower illustrations, etc.
- Play from your local dev environment and submit your code to warriorjs.com (using the CLI).
These, and many other things, can become real with your help!
Our team
Matías Olivera