Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
An open encyclopedia of Internet censorship

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Financial Contributions
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Traceroute with any packet. Visualize the routes. Discover Middleboxes and Firewalls
An open encyclopedia of Internet censorship
Top financial contributors
Mashty Hasan
$5 USD since Oct 2021
WikiCensorship is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting WikiCensorship.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Simone to TraceVis •
Contribution #573551
Domain invoice
from Mashty Hasan to WikiCensorship •
-$24.12 CAD
~$16.63 USD
-€23.62 EUR
~$24.87 USD
Today’s balance$4.00 USD
Total raised
$4.00 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from WikiCensorship
Updates on our activities and progress.
New update situation
We are working on new article about project .
Published on October 22, 2022 by Mashty Hasan
Our web page
Published on December 13, 2021 by Mashty Hasan
See our activities and progress on Github Project
See our activities and progress here:https://github.com/orgs/wikicensorship/projects/1
Published on October 3, 2021 by Chelchela

Internet censorship is increasing every day and it is becoming more and more difficult to verify and confirm its existence and origin. Dictatorships and totalitarian regimes try to censor or shut down the Internet more obscurely every day.
Users experience blackouts, but regimes throw the blame abroad and refuse to accept responsibility and guilt. They deprive the people of their freedom and rights, but the people are hesitant to defend their rights because they do not have enough knowledge and evidence.
Therefore, at WikiCensorship, we strive to improve the level of evidence, objections, and confrontation with real perpetrators of Internet censorship and disruption by increasing personal knowledge and transparency.
Users experience blackouts, but regimes throw the blame abroad and refuse to accept responsibility and guilt. They deprive the people of their freedom and rights, but the people are hesitant to defend their rights because they do not have enough knowledge and evidence.
Therefore, at WikiCensorship, we strive to improve the level of evidence, objections, and confrontation with real perpetrators of Internet censorship and disruption by increasing personal knowledge and transparency.
Our team
Mashty Hasan