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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
The Social Change Nest
£166,614 GBP since Nov 2021
Yellow Wood Consultancy is all of us
Our contributors 4
Thank you for supporting Yellow Wood Consultancy.

Transparent and open finances.
Added funds #837010
-£250.00 GBP
-£200.00 GBP
Today’s balance£17,778.99 GBP
Total raised
£165,817.75 GBP
Total disbursed
£148,038.76 GBP
Estimated annual budget
£41,846.00 GBP

The Yellow Wood Consultancy Ltd are a new group, building on a pilot project begun in 2019 to deliver mental well-being programmes with adult patients referred from Clarendon GP/Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) located in Derry city. In collaboration with our community peer mentors and researcher, our project will co-create programmes of support that will use trauma informed, creative and innovative means that improve connection and relationship to self and other. The project will take place over 18 months. Together with our peer researchers, we will be exploring how this process can enhance the internal health locus of control of patients and build partnership and collaboration with the Community and MDT.