Open Collective
Open Collective
Hello, from Nikema 👋🏾
Published on June 8, 2020 by Nikema

Hi, I'm Nikema.

I'm the collective administrator at Zinc Community. I thought I'd come in and say hello so that you know exactly what my role is and the purpose of forming this collective. If you're reading this, you probably have come across my twitter account, but I'll take a moment to introduce myself.

I am a community builder online. I do this through Twitter primarily and with my company PopSchools. I have successfully raised over $10k for myself and others through social media so that people who otherwise couldn't afford it could do things like attend tech conferences, pay tuition for educational opportunities, or just get a bit of a financial break. Check out the twitter hashtag #TechTwitterPayItForward for examples.

Today, I have full control of this collective's budget and I have been encouraged to use the money that comes in to pay myself until my personal financial situation is stabilized. I am currently urgently seeking a full-time salaried job in a tech role. I'm interested in technical recruiting/sourcing, developer relations, and technical customer support.

I have leads and interviews. Hopefully, it won't be long before things get better. 🤞🏾

Once I'm in a position where I am stable and out of financial crisis, the focus will shift away from just my needs. Funds here will be used to smooth the path for others who are similarly just starting their technical careers.

Thank you Zee, Andrew, and Andrew 😃 for being early contributors and supporters. I appreciate it greatly and I can't wait for you to see how I pay your kindness forward.
