Open Anniversary
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Open Anniversary aims to provide an innovative and inclusive platform for the community to remember, celebrate, and reimagine the open source movement.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$1,251.43 USD since Jun 2021
Open Anniversary is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Open Anniversary.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from FundOSS to Open Anniversary •
Added funds #184843
Today’s balance$1,126.29 USD
Total raised
$1,126.29 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Celebrating Anniversaries is much more than just throwing a party. It is also an opportunity to look back in history, to reevaluate the mission and values, and to build a new future for an organization or community.
With that in mind, Open Anniversary aims to provide an innovative and inclusive platform for the community to remember, celebrate, and reimagine the open source movement.
Our team
Nick Vidal