Open Collective
Open Collective
Anthony Fu Fund Redistribution, 2024 Recap
Published on December 31, 2024 by Anthony Fu

Hello everyone, we hope you had a wonderful holiday and a fantastic year!

Since we started this Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding in April 2024, this year, we have raised a total of $4,932.86 USD from our generous sponsors and distributed $4,371.83 USD to the open-source community.

Here are the previous updates posts:
- April
- May
- June
- July & August
- September & October
- November

When I put them all together, I am surprised to see we have explored quite a few maintainers and projects. I have also created a Starter Pack on BlueSky, including those awesome maintainers and projects, so you can easily follow along.

We are super grateful to all of you who supported and/or were interested in this initiative. We couldn't have accomplished all of this without you. Also, thanks to the Open Collective and the staff offering the platform and helping to make this idea realized. Regardless of how little these sponsorships might help the community or the situation, I believe this would be a small step towards a better and more sustainable future for open source. Thank you!

Here are the list of Maintainers and Projects that we have forwarded to this year:

Individual Maintainers:

  • Steven Levithan (@slevithan) - Steven is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative experts on Regular Expression. His Regex+ package provides extensive enhancement to JavaScript's RexExp, allowing you to use powerful regex syntaxes that are not yet supported in JavaScript. His recent work on Oniguruma-To-ES also greatly helped Shiki's JavaScript Engine to support grammar from 81% to 91% with much more robust interoperations.

  •  Kevin Deng 三咲智子 (@sxzz) for his great work on Vue Vapor, a lighter and more performant alternative compiler for Vue; Vue Macros, a collection of experiments and pushed many great features back to Vue core; Unplugin and its ecosystem, to have rspack, rolldown support, with many great plugins built on top of that unified plugin APIs.

  • Harlan Wilton (@harlan-zw) for his great work on Nuxt SEO, a collection of Nuxt modules that enhances SEO for your Nuxt Apps in many aspects. Nuxt Og Image which provides a very easy-to-use integration for generating dynamic Og images for your site. Nuxt Sitemap which generates a sitemap with a single command to install, etc. There are so many gems in this collection, do check them out!

  • KazariEX 山吹色御守 (@KazariEX) for his great contributions to Volar.js, a foundation of tooling that helps us to get custom language support a lot more easily than ever before.

  • Fabian Hiller (@fabian-hiller) for this great work on Valibot, a modular and type-safe schema library for validating structural data. Valibot will soon reach v1.0, which comes with Standard Schema support. Standard Schema is a great effort and collaboration of schema libraries, including Zod, ArkType, etc., to provide a unified schema format that can work across different schema libraries. This is also a great example of open source collaborations.

  • Johnson Chu (@johnsoncodehk) for this great work on Volar.js that has helped Vue.js, Astro, Slidev etc., to get great IDE experience in VS Code as well as WebStrom. Volar as a foundation of tooling helps us to get custom language support a lot more easily than ever before.

  • Yosuke Ota (@ota-meshi): Ota is the very prolific maintainer of so many ESLint plugins, including eslint-plugin-regexp, eslint-plugin-vue, eslint-plugin-svelte, eslint-plugin-astro, eslint-plugin-jsonc, eslint-plugin-yml, etc. Without his great work, ESLint wouldn't have a vibrant ecosystem as today. Framework plugins like Vue, Svelte, Astro save us a lot of time when working with those frameworks. While plugins such as eslint-plugin-regexp helps library authors identify slow and problematic RegExp, it has a real impact on the entire ecosystem that helps to produce faster and more reliable libraries.

  • Hiroki Osame (@privatenumber): Hiroki is the creator and maintainer of tsx (TypeScript Execute), a fast and hassle-free CLI tool for running TypeScript code in Node.js. While it's very easy to use, under the surface, there is a lot of maintenance work to align with Node.js' API changes and maintain adopters for both ESM and CJS while keeping them in sync. The recently introduced tsImport() programmatic API allows libraries to import TypeScript files (e.g. config file) at runtime in an isolated environment. It's already been used in PostCSS to load their config, and it will likely soon be used for ESLint.

  • Je Xia (@ije): Je Xia is the creator and maintainer of, an ESM-based global CDN, that will smartly transpile packages into ESM on the fly. A great infrastructure that is provided free and open source. helps a lot in smoothing the experience of working with CJS libraries on the web, pushing the ecosystem toward the ESM in many ways.


  • msw - Mock Service Worker is a great library for mocking network requests in your tests. Instead of mocking your fetch requests, it mocks lower-level network layers, allowing you to write agnostic mocks that work on any frameworks/tools.

  • color.js - Color.js is a well-crafted color utility library that matches the latest W3C/CSS Color 4/5 specs. It makes advanced color manipulation a lot easier.

  • eslint - We rely heavily on ESLint to ensure our code quality in basically every project. Thanks for their hard work on making the JavaScript ecosystem better in so many ways.

  • libvips - In JavaScript, we use Sharp.js a lot to process or optimize images. This made image processing so much easier for us.

  • csstree - CSSTree is a fast and lightweight CSS parser that has been used in many projects like UnoCSS, SVGO, Svelte and so on. They recently set up the Open Collective, check it out if you are using it in your dependencies.

  • discoveryjs - Their cpuprofile inspector CPUPro really helped us a lot in finding the performance bottlenecks of our Node.js tools. Check out their JsonDiscovery and Discover.js, which are also very interesting projects.

  • typescript-eslint - A set of tooling for TypeScript on ESLint, ensuring our code is following the best practice and catching bugs early before even committing. Other than ESLint, typescript-eslint also has the TypeScript parser that is used by Prettier. Catching up with the latest TypeScript features and maintaining a huge amount of rulesets is a massive effort.

  • unified - Unified is an ecosystem for dealing with content as structured data. They maintain unified AST specs and toolings around Markdown (remark), HTML (rehype, hast), MDX, and Plain texts, allowing us to convert and manipulate that content more easily. Shiki also use their `hast` to provide flexible and expressive transformers API, making integrations a lot easier.

  • pnpm - pnpm is a fast, disk space-efficient package manager. It also offers first-class support of monorepo, and a bunch of handy integrations around it. At this moment, all our projects are using pnpm and benefited a lot from the time and disk space saved.

  • vis.js - vis.js is a set of high-performance and highly customizable visualization libraries. We depend on them a lot to present our data in a more interesting and intuitive way in Nuxt DevTools, vite-plugin-inspect, etc.

  • Tresjs - Tresjs is a declarative Threejs integration for Vue. This library would help Vue users to build websites with great 3D web applications easily, providing a more dynamic, engaging web experience for users everywhere.

  • svgo - SVGO is a tool for optimizing SVG files. It helps us to make a more efficient web by reducing the size and complexity of our SVGs. We also indirectly benefited from it a lot through the Iconify icons, which are pre-optimized with SVGO.

  • - is a no-build content delivery network (CDN) for modern web development. It does automatic format conversion and TypeScript transpiling to serve almost any npm packages to CDN with modern ESM format. We heavily rely on it for our playgrounds and some dynamic parts of our open-source apps. Meanwhile, they are also working on transpiling for Vue and Svelte SFC, meaning you will soon be able to ship and consume SFC without any build setup!

  • Iconify - Iconify is an open-source project that provides the infrastructure for almost all open-source icon sets (~200,000 icons available at this moment). The universal icon solutions allow you to avoid icon set vendor-lockin and swap to different icons and styles easily by changing the icon ids. If you are using UnoCSS Icons, unplugin-icons, Nuxt Icon, Icônes, etc, you are already depending on it.

  • markdown-it - markdown-it is the markdown-to-html engine that powers VitePress, Slidev, unplugin-vue-markdown, and so on. Essentially, there is a large proportion of docs sites depending on it. However, the funding for this project does not seem to be very well supported. Here, we do our little help to support it.

Learn more about this fund in this blog post: Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding, and find all the transactions here.

Thank you for your support and for reading this post. If you are interested in joining the force to support our ecosystem, sponsor the fund, and we will manage the redistribution like this to help the ecosystem be sustainable in the long run. If you find someone's work is important to you, I'd encourage you to sponsor them directly. Thank you 💖 Cheers!
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