Accompaniment Project for New Arrivals
Published on February 5, 2024 by Gina Tribotti

Bushwick Ayuda Mutua, Undocumented Women's Fund, and Mil Mundos have partnered to coordinate a response to accompany some of these families through the process of reapplying for shelter.
As thousands of families with children are receiving and facing eviction notices from the shelters and Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRCs) across the city, we are launching an accompaniment project focused on single heads of household and those who are pregnant. The purpose of the accompaniment is to offer them community care and help address some of their practical and information needs.
Mayor Adams imposed a 60 day time limit on asylum seeking and migrant families staying in shelters and a 30 day limit on single adults. Many adults have already been evicted, and now many families are facing eviction. Children who have been enrolled in public schools often need to suddenly change schools or face hours-long commutes, and adults may lose access to work. In the short term, families face logistical challenges as they have to pack up their lives to move elsewhere, often with insufficient notice, and wait in limbo for shelter reassignments. Families are being suddenly evicted from their living situations in freezing temperatures, and must wait in long lines and waiting rooms with little access to food and showers for days and even weeks to reapply for housing.
These funds will go towards:
- Car service reimbursements for families to transport their belongings to the center where they are reassigned, and then to their new shelter location.
- Food
- Medicine
- Care kits
- Winter clothes
- Suitcases and bags for the families to transport their things
If you are not able to donate at this time and would like to volunteer with the project or to accompany a family facing eviction, please fill out the following link:
Bushwick Ayuda Mutua, Fondo de Mujeres Indocumentadas, y Mil Mundos se han asociado para coordinar una respuesta para acompañar a algunas de estas familias durante el proceso de volver a solicitar refugio.
Mientras miles de familias con niños reciben y se enfrentan a avisos de desalojo de los albergues y Centros de Ayuda y Respuesta a Emergencias Humanitarianas (HERRC por sus siglas en inglés) de toda la ciudad, ponemos en marcha un proyecto de acompañamiento centrado en las cabezas de familia solteras y las que están embarazadas. El objetivo del acompañamiento es ofrecerles atención comunitaria y ayudarles a cubrir algunas de sus necesidades prácticas y de información.
El alcalde Adams impuso un límite de 60 días a las familias solicitantes de asilo y migrantes alojadas en albergues y de 30 días a los adultos solteros. Muchos adultos solteros ya han sido desalojados, y ahora muchas familias se enfrentan al desahucio. Los niños matriculados en escuelas públicas a menudo tienen que cambiar repentinamente de escuela o enfrentarse a viajes de varias horas, y los adultos pueden perder el acceso al trabajo. A corto plazo, las familias se enfrentan a problemas logísticos al tener que hacer las maletas para trasladarse a otro lugar, muchas veces sin avisar con suficiente tiempo, y esperar en el limbo a que les reasignen un alojamiento. Las familias son desalojadas repentinamente de sus viviendas a temperaturas heladas, y deben esperar en largas filas y salas de espera con escaso acceso a comida y duchas durante días e incluso semanas para volver a solicitar una vivienda.
Estos fondos se destinarán a:
- Reembolsos para transporte para las familias para trasladar sus pertenencias al centro donde son reasignados, y luego a su nueva ubicación de refugio.
- Alimentos
- Medicamentos
- Paquete de atención/apoyo
- Ropa de invierno
- Maletas y bolsas para que las familias transporten sus cosas
Si no puede donar en este momento y le gustaría ser voluntario en el proyecto o acompañar a una familia que se enfrenta a un desahucio, rellena el siguiente enlace:
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Some would say it is suspicious leadership whom are handling of funds.
Anne Gainey
Anne Gainey
BAM coordinator
$200,477.44 USD
Maria Herron
Maria Herron
$44,510.42 USD
$53,997.88 USD
Sonya Guimet
Sonya Guimet
$8,823.22 USD
Arturo Gonzalez
Arturo Gonzalez
$31,864.94 USD
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Hi - Every transaction is transparent and visible on our OC platform; we welcome anyone to look through them all. They are reimbursements for distribution expenses, such as food, truck rental, etc. The people who are getting reimbursed are the ones who do the purchases or pick-ups for the food and items we share at distros - they are the ones submitting the expenses, not centralized leadership. We also provide breakfast, lunch, and PPE like masks at distros, in order to keep our community healthy.
The Accompaniment Project for New Arrivals is designed to support newcomers as they transition into a new community, providing them with resources, guidance, and a welcoming network. This project connects individuals with volunteers who help them navigate essential services such as housing, transportation, and community integration. For example, tools like R2Park can simplify the logistics of parking, ensuring that new arrivals can easily manage parking registrations and avoid complications with local regulations. Through practical assistance and personalized support, the Accompaniment Project helps make the adjustment period smoother and more comfortable for new residents.
The Accompaniment Project for New Arrivals aims to provide essential support and guidance for individuals navigating new environments. By incorporating tools like Ehallpass, the project ensures smooth and secure movement within educational institutions, promoting accountability and safety. Ehallpass allows for real-time tracking and digital permissions, making it easier for mentors and coordinators to manage the whereabouts of new arrivals. This system enhances organization, reduces confusion, and fosters a more supportive experience, allowing participants to focus on learning, adaptation, and personal growth.
Hola, soy Catalina Boreas y soy periodista de la comunidad latina. Actualmente, estoy trabajando en una historia sobre la diversidad y el clasismo, y me ha llamado la atención que su organización Bushwick Audi Mutual fue una vez una empresa