Comunica Association
Open source
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
Funds Comunica, a knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed
€12,250 EUR since Dec 2021
Open Knowledge Belgium
€5,743.98 EUR since Sep 2021
€1,280 EUR since Nov 2021
€5,000 EUR since Oct 2021
Andrii Burov
€50 EUR since May 2022
Comunica Association is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting Comunica Association.
Ruben Taelman
Pieter Colpaert
Netwerk Digit...
€12,250 EUR
Open Knowledg...
€5,744 EUR
€5,000 EUR
€1,280 EUR
Andrii Burov
€50 EUR

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #531653
Contribution #531653
Contribution #531653
Today’s balance€5,980.87 EUR
Total raised
€22,412.71 EUR
Total disbursed
€16,431.84 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€3,000.00 EUR

Comunica is an open-source knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript. It is highly modular and flexible, and is built on top of open Web standards, such as RDF and SPARQL.
The Comunica Association is a non-profit organization for establishing a roadmap, and ensuring the maintenance and development of the Comunica framework and its dependencies.
The Comunica Association is a non-profit organization for establishing a roadmap, and ensuring the maintenance and development of the Comunica framework and its dependencies.
It connects organizations that are in need of improvements or features, to developers seeking funding.
As a first step, the Association aims to fund development via a Bounty Program, which connects companies in need of features or fixes, to developers that want to resolve issues at a price.
Additionally, you can also donate or become a Sponsor to help support development and receive benefits such as getting your issues prioritized and placing your logo on our website. The Board Member tier gives one person of your organization or company access to the board meetings of the Comunica Association where the roadmap gets decided. Alternatively, people that invest 4 hours per week or more on the Comunica roadmap are allowed to join the board meetings.
Sponsors that want to have an issue prioritized should contact us. The board will decide the final order of issue handling based on historical sponsorship contribution and developer availability.
A long-term goal for the Association, is to support dedicated part/full-time maintainers for Comunica.
Learn more in our blog post announcing the Association!
As a first step, the Association aims to fund development via a Bounty Program, which connects companies in need of features or fixes, to developers that want to resolve issues at a price.
Additionally, you can also donate or become a Sponsor to help support development and receive benefits such as getting your issues prioritized and placing your logo on our website. The Board Member tier gives one person of your organization or company access to the board meetings of the Comunica Association where the roadmap gets decided. Alternatively, people that invest 4 hours per week or more on the Comunica roadmap are allowed to join the board meetings.
Sponsors that want to have an issue prioritized should contact us. The board will decide the final order of issue handling based on historical sponsorship contribution and developer availability.
A long-term goal for the Association, is to support dedicated part/full-time maintainers for Comunica.
Learn more in our blog post announcing the Association!
Our team
Ruben Taelman
Pieter Colpaert