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open call for CIPress feedback | curriculum veritas | update 2021
Published on March 13, 2021 by Jason Brown
Cook Islands Press refounder Jason Brown is seeking public input into updating his version of curriculum vitae, a #curriculumveritas. Last updated in 2015, the 2021 CV hopes to gain feedback on Brown's journalism reputation, or lack there-o...

date: 20210227
web status : cookislandspress.online under offline construction via getpulii.com
social status : twitter, facebook, fediverse next
entity status : unregistered, unincorporated.
status sought : application pending for @https://opencollective.com/ocnz fiscal hosting
web status : cookislandspress.online under offline construction via getpulii.com
social status : twitter, facebook, fediverse next
entity status : unregistered, unincorporated.
status sought : application pending for @https://opencollective.com/ocnz fiscal hosting