Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
It's that time of year again where reflection becomes necessary.... TL;DR: we're hoping to get more out of our collective and learn more about this platform in 2024 because as of January 31, I'll be officially transitioning out of my full-t...
Looking Back, Peering Ahead
Published on December 21, 2022 by Katy (Fetters) Gaastra
Hello Cerebral Palsy Strong! Here's a brief note reflecting on our challenges, celebrating our progress, and probing into the future of our org. 2022 Earlier this year, we hosted our second CP Social event — a gathering for...
Hi everyone — our generous contributors, donors, new visitors and friends of CPstrong.... As you might've noticed, we took a long pause during the pandemic. It feels okay to be honest here — sharing stories, raising funds and getting togeth...
CPstrong Merchandise
Published on March 5, 2020 by Katy (Fetters) Gaastra
As a small thank you, every member who makes a monthly (recurring) donation will receive a few of these rad #cpstrong stickers down below. Here's a tee we'll also look to produce more of in 2022. Merchandise production expansion is one of o...
This budget has been adjusted for 2022. With an annual proposed budget of $10,000, here is an estimated breakdown of anticipated costs: 1) CP Social 2020 2022: $2,000+ per region...
For more about me, a bit of history, and my vision for Cerebral Palsy Strong: Building Spaces For Belonging
CP Social 2020
Published on January 21, 2020 by Katy (Fetters) Gaastra
Stay tuned for more info about our next event! To learn about our last one, visit:
Share Your Story
Published on January 21, 2020 by Katy (Fetters) Gaastra
#cpstrong is built on our stories & shared experiences with disability. What does #cpstrong mean to you? Submit your story here to be featured on our social media channels!
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