Evanston Fight for Black Lives
Evanston Fight for Black Lives is a youth, abolitionist organization that is dedicated to achieving justice for Black and Brown people within the Evanston community.

Evanston Fight for Black Lives is all of us
Our contributors 104
Thank you for supporting Evanston Fight for Black Lives.
Nia Williams
$5,176 USD
Mollie Harten...
Sarah Bogan
Anna Grant-Bo...
Noa Polish
Evanston Comm...
$11,822 USD
Jennifer Karl...
$3,600 USD
Teju Deshpande
$2,600 USD
Spencer and S...
$2,350 USD
Evanston Figh...
$2,000 USD
Kira Novak
$1,800 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Sunrise Fridge PANTRY haul may 24 2024
--.-- USD
$38,375.85 USD
$38,375.85 USD
$315.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Evanston Fight for Black Lives
Updates on our activities and progress.
Pausing donations to the Evanston Community Fridges/Evanston Fight for Black Lives
Reflecting on our 2023 together
2022 Update
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Any questions?
Published on March 30, 2021 by Evanston Fight for Black Lives
Continue in this conversation to add a question or comment.

Since May 2020 have met with aldermen and citizens, held community forums, raised money, and done the hard work of constructing a plan for defunding our city’s police department. Specifically, Evanston Fight for Black Lives held the largest-projected protest in Evanston, garnering over 5,000 supporters on May 31st. Following this historic event, we introduced more than 20 action items and events for the Evanston community. Some of th 24 events include: Defunding 101, Defunding 102, Donation Matching for charities, Calls Demanding Justice for Trent Hunt, Promoting Evanston’s Black Businesses, Emails to Aldermen, Chalking around the City, Defunding EPD Flyer Campaign, Sit-In at Aldermen’s Houses, Calls to Aldermen, 8th Ward Call with Ann Rainey, 3 Reclaim the Block Parties, Donations for Yakez Semark, the website ETHSALUMNI4ABOLITION.ORG, Three Yard Sales in the 5th Ward, A Black Women's Healing Circle, Raised Almost $15,000 for the Family of Jacob Blake, Created the Resourceful Progressive Voter Guide, and more. Evanston Fight for Black Lives amassed thousands of dollars in donations that were sent to community organizations and Evanston individuals in need. We mobilized thousands of citizens to be refocused on local politics. We anticipate that the city council received hundreds of emails regarding defunding EPD and demilitarizing our schools from residents. Evanston Fight for Black Lives greatly increased civic engagement in the people of Evanston. We have also garnered over 1,000 signatures for our Official Statement for defunding, written below. In conjunction with our grassroots organizing, Evanston Fight for Black Lives anticipates a higher voting turnout with the upcoming local and national elections. With thousands of followers on our social media pages, we have created a connection this summer between the residents of Evanston, and placed a heavier responsibility on our elected local officials. All of this work was done by a group of 9 Evanston youth, primarily Black women.
Check us out on Instagram: @evanstonforblacklives
Our team
Nia Williams
Mollie Harten...
Sarah Bogan
Anna Grant-Bo...
Noa Polish