Open Collective
Open Collective


FsLab is a center of gravity for data science projects written in and/or for F#. Perform the whole data science cycle in F#!


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


Support development of FsLab projects with a monthly contribution. All backers will be shown on the website.

Starts at
$2 USD / month

Latest activity by


Are you using FsLab projects to generate value? Give back to the community with a sponsorship. All sponsors will be listed under a special sponsors... Read more

Starts at
$100 USD / month

Latest activity by

One-time contribution
Issue sponsorship

Found something that always bugged you? Sponsor a single issue in a FsLab project to increase the chances of it getting addressed with priority.

Starts at
$10 USD

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 4

Top financial contributors

Jack Parmer

$5,000 USD since Sep 2021

Harry McCarney

$2,900 USD since Nov 2022

Zhenyong Zhu

$875 USD since Apr 2022


$100 USD since Mar 2023

Kevin Schneider

$60 USD since Dec 2020

Halil Ibrahim Özcan

$50 USD since Jun 2024

Raphael Prinz

$10 USD since Oct 2021

Benedikt Venn

$5 USD since Sep 2021

FsLab is all of us

Our contributors 9

Thank you for supporting FsLab.

Kevin Schneider


$60 USD

Jack Parmer

$5,000 USD

Harry McCarney


$2,900 USD

Zhenyong Zhu


$875 USD


Issue sponsorship

$100 USD

Raphael Prinz

$10 USD


About FsLab

FsLab is a center of gravity for data science projects written in and/or for F#. Our vision is to provide a safe haven for these projects to align their APIs, find new contributors and/or maintainers, and catalyze the formation of a coherent, productive data science environment for F# and .NET.

How does it work?

FsLab in its current form is quite new, which also means that there are no strong guidelines and established processes - which might actually be one of its strengths. We currently offer projects to "join" FsLab in 3 ways:
  • Make your project a FsLab project by moving the project to the FsLab github organization. Depending on the size of your project, this can increase the visibility of your project the most. You will of course retain ownership of the repo, but FsLab admins will have access as well (and can serve as backup maintainers). Examples of projects that took this road are FSharp.Stats and  flips. Please note that this does not mean that FsLab admins are automatically obliged to maintain your project - it is still yours. 
  • Make your project a FsLab-endorsed project by creating high quality tutorial and blog post content for FsLab and/or using the FsLab theme for your project documentation

How will we use your contributions?

First of all, thank you for considering financially supporting FsLab <3. We plan to establish this collective as a way for individuals and companies to give back to the OSS maintainers that make data science in F# so awesome. 
Due to FsLab being a diverse collection of packages and people, it is initially not feasible to set goals for part time / full time maintainers for single packages. Therefore, we plan to use the funds of this collective in the following ways:
  • General collective funds (provided via the Backer and Sponsor tiers) will be used to fund development targeting the most community-requested features and issues across all packages.
  • Targeted funds (provided via the Issue sponsorship tier) will be offered for completion of the specific issue/feature of the contributors choice. Please leave a message with the target issue with your donation so we can properly assign the funds (see more on that here)
While this approach is not very scalable, it ensures that some funds can be used for less popular projects, especially during the first baby steps of the collective. We will move to a project-based model with individual funds and tiers per-project once this collective gains traction.

Our team


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #769735
Contribution #588945
Contribution #769735
Today’s balance

$7,720.40 USD

Total raised

$7,720.40 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$1,260.00 USD