Funding Circle Services
The Funding Circle Services team helps permaculture aligned people & projects research funding, writing grant applications and managing funding.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
We will create a funding profile for your organization which will match your organization's projects with funding impact areas, specific funders, a... Read more
We are often contacted by grassroots projects who cannot afford to pay for grant / funding research, grant writing and matching services. This dona... Read more
Support the following initiatives from Funding Circle Services.
Funding Circle Services is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Funding Circle Services.
Tetiana Medukha
Aimee Fenech
C.K Matorwmasen
Grant writing (hourly)
€260 EUR
Grant - Commu...
€10 EUR
FCS Income sh...
€10 EUR

Transparent and open finances.
€86.45 EUR
€7,806.47 EUR
€7,720.02 EUR
--.-- EUR

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Funding Circle Services
Updates on our activities and progress.
We would like to invite you to the launch of the newly improved funding opportunities database which now includes over a hundred opportunities.

What we do – our domain, vision, mission and aims
- Identify and highlight value exchange / funding opportunities
- Identify, secure and mobilise resources that support participants to nurture existing initiatives and develop new eco-social enterprises, projects and initiatives that address identified challenges in permaculture, or add additional value to permaculture networks;
- Identify and build relationships with fundraisers and fiscal sponsors working within permaculture and support them to be more effective
- Apply for funding on behalf of appropriate initiatives of the wider permaculture movement
- Create an opportunity to access resources and research for permaculture related projects and innovations in the field
- Identify priorities, gaps and significant change-making opportunities in the permaculture movement that need resourcing
- Provide proposal writing assistance, partnership or leadership, including references and movement information
- Provide advice / consultations to enhance aspiring funding applicants, including monitoring and evaluation
- Provide training and sharing resources related to fundraising
- Create a community of practice
Our team
Tetiana Medukha
Aimee Fenech