Glimpse Image Editor has been archived.
Glimpse Image Editor has been archived and is no longer active.

Glimpse Image Editor is all of us
Our contributors 51
Thank you for supporting Glimpse Image Editor.
Christopher D...
$55 USD
$514 USD
Final Balance Transfer from Patreon
GitHub Sponsors
$348 USD
$100 USD
Thank you so much for creating GLIMPSE as a bea...
Samuel Pickard
Amazing Supporter
$90 USD
Elite Supporter
$80 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #174921
Contribution #170965
Contribution #60624
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$2,190.44 USD
Total disbursed
$2,190.44 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Glimpse Image Editor
Updates on our activities and progress.
A Project On Hiatus
Link: outlined the difficulties we faced as a result of the coro...
Published on May 23, 2021 by Bobby Moss
Work Continues on Glimpse Image Editor 0.2.2
Published on February 26, 2021 by Bobby Moss
Kicking Off 2021
Link: Old versions of Glimpse Image Editor a...
Published on January 14, 2021 by Bobby Moss

The Glimpse Editor is an open source image editor based on the GNU Image Manipulation Program 2.10.18.
Our initial releases provide a straightforward re-brand to make the software suitable for educational institutions and enterprise settings, and to make already great software more appealing to a new audience.
Check out our latest binary release here:
Check out our latest binary release here:
Your donations will contribute to the costs of hosting and developing this project over the coming months and years. We are still working on this fork, the tooling for it, our project website and new documentation.
You can also find our website on This and the matching ".com" domain registrations have been donated to the project, and we may fund future renewals with backer funds. We also currently rely on a donated EV code signing certificate for our Windows installer.
The $514 USD incognito donation in "Top financial contributors" includes all contributions we received from Patreon before we closed that account in December 2019, minus fees and transfer costs. Our creator (Bobby Moss) donated $150 USD to get us started on Open Collective.
Terms and Conditions apply to backer rewards. If the name you have selected for use in release notes, our website or on social media does not align with our project's goals and values then you will be asked to change it. We reserve the right to cancel pledges and refund donations from people or organizations we feel are not contributing to our fundraising campaign in good faith.
The $514 USD incognito donation in "Top financial contributors" includes all contributions we received from Patreon before we closed that account in December 2019, minus fees and transfer costs. Our creator (Bobby Moss) donated $150 USD to get us started on Open Collective.
Terms and Conditions apply to backer rewards. If the name you have selected for use in release notes, our website or on social media does not align with our project's goals and values then you will be asked to change it. We reserve the right to cancel pledges and refund donations from people or organizations we feel are not contributing to our fundraising campaign in good faith.