2023 Haumea first EARTH CHARTER Gathering
Support overhead costs for online Haumea community gathering hosted by Cathy FItzgerald and Nikos Patedakis for past and current Earth Charter learners
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (UTC+00:00)
Fiscal Host: Haumea Ecoversity Collective

1 March 2023: by Cathy Fitzgerald
The Earth Charter is still new, particularly in Ireland, and at an international level, there is often discussion on climate action policy rather than recognising behavioural change starts through conversations of our shared common values for a more equitable, sustainable and peaceful world.
At an Earth Charter International meeting recently Dr Mirian Vilela invited all of us involved in global grassroots Earth Charter learning to reach out to each other and also remind our governments that UNESCO has endorsed the Earth Charter to help motivate all citizens with values necessary to advance enduring equitable, just and sustainable futures. I personally think we have gone one step better than in some nations; as many of our course participants are mid-career creatives and community artists who are already creatively interpreting the Earth Charter/Children's Earth Charter, with relevance and special magic for their community or audience context.
This is all leading to our invitation...
We are hoping you might join our circle meeting to hear how others from Ireland and further afield are thinking, using, translating, or creatively interpreting the Earth Charter or the Children's Little Earth Charter.
We know some of you may be at different stages in your ecoliteracy and Earth Charter journeys but there will be value if you lend us your presence and help us hold a supportive dialogue. This dialogue will also be an opportunity for part of the Haumea Ecoversity to reflect on future supports too.
Joining us with be special guest Prof Emeritus Peter Blaze Corcoran, who has a long connection with Earth Charter International across many nations and continues to contribute sustainability education research for higher education.
We hope you join us to share, listen and envision future supports and plans for the Earth Charter in Ireland and beyond.
The Earth Charter is still new, particularly in Ireland, and at an international level, there is often discussion on climate action policy rather than recognising behavioural change starts through conversations of our shared common values for a more equitable, sustainable and peaceful world.
At an Earth Charter International meeting recently Dr Mirian Vilela invited all of us involved in global grassroots Earth Charter learning to reach out to each other and also remind our governments that UNESCO has endorsed the Earth Charter to help motivate all citizens with values necessary to advance enduring equitable, just and sustainable futures. I personally think we have gone one step better than in some nations; as many of our course participants are mid-career creatives and community artists who are already creatively interpreting the Earth Charter/Children's Earth Charter, with relevance and special magic for their community or audience context.
This is all leading to our invitation...
We are hoping you might join our circle meeting to hear how others from Ireland and further afield are thinking, using, translating, or creatively interpreting the Earth Charter or the Children's Little Earth Charter.
We know some of you may be at different stages in your ecoliteracy and Earth Charter journeys but there will be value if you lend us your presence and help us hold a supportive dialogue. This dialogue will also be an opportunity for part of the Haumea Ecoversity to reflect on future supports too.
Joining us with be special guest Prof Emeritus Peter Blaze Corcoran, who has a long connection with Earth Charter International across many nations and continues to contribute sustainability education research for higher education.
We hope you join us to share, listen and envision future supports and plans for the Earth Charter in Ireland and beyond.
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Contribution #638710
Credit from Kate Flood to 2023 Haumea first EARTH CHARTER Gathering •
Contribution #634048
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€47.55 EUR
Total disbursed
€47.55 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR