Haumea Ecoversity Collective
Wisdom-based transformative ecoliteracy and values learning to empower creatives and cultural professionals in envisioning a better world

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
For €15 a month or more, you can help us expand the vision of Haumea Ecoversity and how many we can support. You will also gain FREE access to our ... Read more
Assist a creative practitioner to join our pioneering and supportive learning community. You will also gain FREE access to our 6 Guest Speaker Web... Read more
You believe in transformative education to empower creatives to change the world. You will gain FREE access to 6 Guest Speaker Webinars, leaders ... Read more
€0.00 EUR of €5,000 EUR / year raised (0%)
For-profit, non-profit, and public sector organisations - we welcome your support for growing the vision of Haumea Ecoversity to increase essential... Read more
Haumea Ecoversity Collective is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
Haumea Ecoversity Collective is all of us
Our contributors 11
Thank you for supporting Haumea Ecoversity Collective.
Haumea Ecoversity: Mentoring
€450 EUR
Advocate for Haumea Ecoversity
€390 EUR
Regan Stacey
Haumea Ecoversity: Mentoring
€150 EUR
Haumea Ecoversity: Mentoring
€150 EUR
Haumea Ecoversity Backer
€100 EUR
€100 EUR
Haumea Ecoversity Backer
€60 EUR
2023 Haumea f...
€48 EUR
Haumea Ecoversity Backer
€15 EUR
Martin Lyttle
€5 EUR

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Donal to Haumea Ecoversity Collective •
Credit from Alan to Haumea Ecoversity Collective •
€1,378.93 EUR
€1,425.93 EUR
€47.00 EUR
€1,035.00 EUR

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Haumea Ecoversity Collective
Updates on our activities and progress.
Haumea Ecoversity Supporters Collective has begun


Empowering Creative Professionals & Cultural Leaders with Wisdom-BasedTransformative Learning for a Beautiful, Equitable & Sustainable World
Offering comprehensive ecoliteracy and values learning to small cohorts (we teach a maximum of 20 participants at a time) through group and self-paced learning opportunities, we aim to overcome current fragmented education that largely alienates creatives and cultural professionals from the wider community of life.
Cultural research confirms culture as the 4th Pillar of Sustainability: an ecoliterate creative sector, therefore, has a crucial role in inclusively inspiring diverse communities to act for a more beautiful, just, equitable and sustainable era.
We’re working with eco pedagogies and understandings from wisdom-based cultures, the latest in values education research - to radically reimagine education for each individual, their communities and the ecologies that support them. We’d love your help.
- we prioritise wisdom-based learning of ecological understanding with compassionate values and an appreciation of Earth's dynamic creativity and beauty.
- Haumea Ecoversity is a signatory to the UNESCO-endorsed Earth Charter (2000) - an established global grassroots covenant of integrated, holistic principles advocating values to promote ecological integrity, economic and social justice, democracy, nonviolence, intergenerational and planetary wellbeing to promote an enduring culture of peace.
- we strive for creative-led community learning opportunities that prioritise transformative learning practices that promote compassion, prosocial behaviour and personal, collective and planetary wellbeing
- we aim for equitable educational opportunities; from the start, we have offered tiered course fees to suit creative people in difficult economic situations.
- accelerating wise, compassionate ecoliteracy learning for creatives and cultural professionals
- championing ecoliteracy and UNESCO-endorsed Earth Charter foundational values fluency across the creative sector
- weaving opportunities from our community's experience for radical cultural policy system change