Today's Balance

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Financial Contributions
MailAD is hosting the following events.
Past event
01:00 AM UTC
Top financial contributors
$334.91 USD since Jun 2021
MailAD is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting MailAD.

Transparent and open finances.
Added funds #184873
Today’s balance$1.43 USD
Total raised
$301.42 USD
Total disbursed
$299.99 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from MailAD
Updates on our activities and progress.
Preliminar Webmail Support!
If you are interested on testing and giving feedback of this feature all the works are going on this branch:
Published on April 16, 2022 by Pavel Milanes Costa
Docker version development on wheels and rolling!
Thanks to follow MailAD, we have good news for you! The docker version in on alpha testing/dev version on Milestones so far:MTA read...
Published on February 16, 2022 by Pavel Milanes Costa
Welcome to Docker!
Hey! Many of you was asking during this time about a docker version of MailAD. Well, wait no more, I have started the development and after squashing some of the rocks on the way I can announce today that there will be a official Docker ver...
Published on February 7, 2022 by Pavel Milanes Costa

MailAD is...
A handy tool to provision a fully functional & modern mail server on a linux instance linked to an Active Directory server (Samba or Windows, it does not care) with some constraints in mind (see the Features), you can see a simple provision in this asciinema movie.
This repository is intended to be cloned on your fresh OS install under /root (you can use a LXC instance, VM, CT, etc) and setup on a main conf file as per the file comments, then run the steps on a makefile and follow the steps to configure your server.
A handy tool to provision a fully functional & modern mail server on a linux instance linked to an Active Directory server (Samba or Windows, it does not care) with some constraints in mind (see the Features), you can see a simple provision in this asciinema movie.
This repository is intended to be cloned on your fresh OS install under /root (you can use a LXC instance, VM, CT, etc) and setup on a main conf file as per the file comments, then run the steps on a makefile and follow the steps to configure your server.
After a few steps you will have a mail server up and running in about 15 minutes tops. (this time is based on a 2Mbps internet connection to a repository, if you have a local repository or better internet connection, it will be less, much less)
This tool is tested and supported on:
- Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 (former LTS).
- Ubuntu Focal 20.04 (actual LTS and actual dev env).
- Debian Buster 10 (see note below please).
We have so far a growing FAQ archive with the major tricks and tips for fine tuning.
In the works there is a idea and a detected need for a similar setup but using a database schema below and for multi-domains, we has a code name for it: MailCU
In the works there is a idea and a detected need for a similar setup but using a database schema below and for multi-domains, we has a code name for it: MailCU
Our team
Pavel Milanes...