Open Collective
Open Collective

The Open Co-op


The Open Co-op is an online community creating a collaborative, regenerative economy.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
PLANET Pioneer

For those with limited funds

£5 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution
PLANET Pioneer

Suggested contribution level

£10 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution

For those with extra funds

Starts at
£50 GBP / month

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Connected Collectives

Connected Collective
We are an online meeting and conferencing platform powered by BigBlueButton, stewarded by coopera...

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+ 178
Connected Collective
An open source project to create decentralized maps and directories

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Connected Collective
Open Credit Network
The Open Credit Network is a mutual credit network for the UK.

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The Open Co-op is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting The Open Co-op.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #677017
Contribution #677017
Contribution #677017
Today’s balance

£86.49 GBP

Total raised

£1,453.88 GBP

Total disbursed

£1,367.39 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£40.00 GBP