Open Collective
Open Collective

Open Source Collective Community Call — June '22

A monthly forum for OSC projects to speak directly with staff and one another about experiences, concerns, needs, and aspirations.

Thursday, June 16, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (UTC-04:00)


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Open Source Collective Community Call — June '22

Updates on our activities and progress.

Event Link

Excited about our event today! Here is the Zoom link:
Read more
Published on June 16, 2022 by Richard Littauer


Welcome to the Open Source Collective's Community Call program: a monthly, hour-long conversation where we encourage project leaders to engage with both Open Source Collective as their host and with one another. We will use this space to discuss issues that are affecting us, offer peer support, and as a jumping-off point for further conversations about sustaining our work.

This month, we are planning to cover:

- How we can best let people know about free, funded tickets to non-technical, educational conferences and events; and
- The ongoing Support Ukraine fund; and
- And any asks from the attendees that relate towards approaching sustainable OSS.

If you missed our last conversation, you can watch a recording of it here, which will be up until this call, or read the write-up on the update announcing this event. In general, we want to make clear:

  - Why we (Open Source Collective) want to build a strong, more community-centered fiscal host, and what we hope to achieve with these regular conversations;
  - Approaches to paying contributors;
  - Defining maintenance and approaches to valuing non-code contributions;
  - Building inclusive and diverse communities and;
  - Increasing a contributor base and improving developer experience by pairing with new contributors.

We'll continue to record and document these conversations for those of you who are unable to attend. For those of you who can, we look forward to seeing you on the third Thursday this month! 

Our team

Justin Dorfman

Core Contributor

Benjamin Nick...

Executive Director

Sourav Das

Operations @ OSC


Core Contributor

Lauren Gardner

Executive Director



Martin Wright

Core Contributor