Lower-cost hydrophophones
Create a smart DIY live-streaming hydrophone solution that costs less than $100 (U.S.)

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #736587
Today’s balance$86.80 USD
Total raised
$86.80 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

At Orcasound, we use underwater microphones (hydrophones) to monitor and conserve the endangered orcas that are iconic in Seattle (WA, USA). The expense of the hydrophones impedes our ability to grow our cooperative network. With more hydrophones where sighting networks identify individuals and matrilines visually, our goal is to develop voice ID for orcas.
Can we build cheaper hydrophones and improve our orca call detection AI to infer which matriline is signaling?
Our team

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Financial Contributions
Lower-cost hydrophophones is all of us
Our contributors 1
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