Portland Coronavirus Solidarity Fund has been archived.

Closing the fund down
Symbiosis PDX is officially closing our coronavirus solidaraity fund after distributing over $60,000 from the community back to those most materially and physically impacted in the community, as well as to mutual aid groups who showed up hard during this crisis.
Though the needs we have been meeting with this fund havent come to an end, as the exploitative systems in place that perpetuate this kind of suffering that requires these sorts of solidarity efforts has not been replaced with one that moves beyond institutional scarcity, we as an org must recalibrate our efforts based on our current capacity.
Though we are not distributing funds directly to individuals and groups doing good work for now on this platform, you will still find us doing the work of material solidarity and political organizing toward a world where this type of solidarity is no longer needed.
Paying out folks with the remaining funds
Due to the lack of current funding available (approx $1544.02 as of Oct 12th 2021, for the more than $12,000 worth of requests) we will be giving out the final funds in order of request recieved, while still prioritizing the historically and presently marginalized and oppressed. Thank you to all of our contributors from the community who made this possible.
With love and solidarity,
Symbiosis PDX
Our team
Symbiosis PDX

Portland Coronavirus Solidarity Fund is all of us
Our contributors 341
Thank you for supporting Portland Coronavirus Solidarity Fund.
Symbiosis PDX
$6,479 USD
$3,600 USD
Eric Putnam
$2,000 USD
$1,935 USD
Fuerza Oregon
$1,800 USD
Hayley Klug
$1,720 USD
Alexis Picard
$1,277 USD
$1,277 USD
$1,145 USD
$1,000 USD

Transparent and open finances.
--.-- USD
$60,509.28 USD
$60,509.28 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Portland Coronavirus Solidarity Fund
Updates on our activities and progress.
Donations Are Slowing But the Work Continues
Spring is Here and the Work Continues
Donations Have Slowed but the Work Continues!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
No help
Published on September 23, 2021 by Maliah Miller
It seems as if no one is getting the money what's the point of this if you guys are just going to look right past us?
Financial assistance
Published on June 28, 2021 by Deteriun Kitchens
Hello, is there any way of receiving financial assistance by any means?