XR Rebels Manager
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
The Rebels Manager is an online platform for all Extinction Rebellion national branches.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Jah Mali
$60 USD since Oct 2019
$60 USD since Feb 2020
$20 USD since Jan 2020
David Varga
$5 USD since Nov 2020
Climate Crisis Collective
$15,000 USD since Nov 2019
New Zealand Slots
$5 USD since May 2020
Open Source Collective
$0.32 USD since Oct 2019
XR Rebels Manager is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting XR Rebels Manager.
Jah Mali
$60 USD
Climate Crisi...
$15,000 USD
$60 USD
$20 USD
New Zealand S...
$5 USD
David Varga
$5 USD
Open Source C...
$0.32 USD

Transparent and open finances.
-€1,620.00 EUR
$1,770.69 USD
-€1,300.00 EUR
$1,374.86 USD
-€3,390.00 EUR
$3,602.93 USD
Today’s balance$38.66 USD
Total raised
$14,374.52 USD
Total disbursed
$14,335.86 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from XR Rebels Manager
Updates on our activities and progress.
February update
After a first quarter hunting for contributors, making the project attractive on Github and speaking with many XR coordinators around the world, we have to admit that it is not going as fast as required. Most of us are busy and trying to...
Published on February 10, 2020 by Jah Mali
January update
Getting ready for moving national branches to the Rebels ManagerHello everyone, thanks a lot for your support.I'd like to let you know about how the Rebels Manager project progressed during December.We have reached out a...
Published on January 13, 2020 by Jah Mali
December update
The Rebels Manager project is now getting more and more exposure at the international level.In November...We have been in touch with Extinction Rebellion national branches where team members are interest...
Published on December 11, 2019 by Jah Mali

The Rebels Manager is an online platform under active development by Extinction Rebellion in Belgium, supported by the International Support Team (IST) to go widespread in many more countries.
The Rebels Manager code is open sourced and available at https://github.com/extinctionrebellion/RebelsManager. We need the whole open source community - time is running by! 🐝🌳🌍
Expected Features
- Multi-countries
- Customizable recruitment and event registration forms
- Encrypted email and phone number, never shown to coordinators
- Built-in mass emailing relying on Mailtrain
- Built-in mass text messaging using a linked device
- Rebels tagging and segmentation by location, skills or affinities
The Rebels Manager aims to become the perfect app for:
- Working group coordinators
- Local chapter coordinator
- Movement coordinators at the national level
- International coordinators
We regularly update our GitHub project wiki. Visit if for more details about where we are going.
How money will help us?
- Allowing the project manager/lead developer to spend more time on the project
- Using efficient tools to reach the open source community
- Auditing security on a regular basis
Our team
Jah Mali