Open Collective
Open Collective


Fiscal Host: GMCC

The Sanctuary Supply Depot is a central hub that fascilitates the collection and distribution of basic survival supplies for our unhoused neighbors.

Today's Balance
Estimated Annual Budget


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 472
Recurring contribution

One pair each of socks and underwear. MN weather is no joke, and keeping your feet warm and dry when you’re living outdoors can be a major struggl... Read more

Starts at
$5 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 14
Recurring contribution
Toiletries Kit

Everyone deserves the dignity of feeling clean. For the price of a couple coffees a month, you can help an unhoused neighbor feel refreshed with a ... Read more

$10 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 35
Recurring contribution

A Tent allows people privacy, dignity, a place to keep their own stuff and a container to keep the heat inside in winter. We give out between 150-2... Read more

$40 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 13
Recurring contribution
Sleeping Bag

A sleeping bag that will stand up to Minnesota winter! Rated for zero degrees or below. Thank you for helping to keep our unhoused neighbors warm a... Read more

$50 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 3
Recurring contribution
Propane Heater

You are literally keeping our unhoused neighbors alive through the winter. (We distribute a fire extinguisher with each heater too!)

$100 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 4


Support the following initiatives from SanctuarySupplyDepot.


Transparent and open finances.

Credit from kate roarty to SanctuarySupplyDepot

Contribution #815044

Credit from Guest to SanctuarySupplyDepot

Contribution #815040

Credit from Guest to SanctuarySupplyDepot

Contribution #814875
Today’s balance

$14,841.10 USD

Total raised

$189,183.11 USD

Total disbursed

$174,342.01 USD

Estimated annual budget

$182,747.76 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from SanctuarySupplyDepot

Updates on our activities and progress.

Supply Depot Finance and Fiscal Sponsorship Update!

In October 2023, two Supply Depot volunteers walked into a meeting and asked GMCC to allow us to use their space to store and distribute supplies. That initial meeting has grown into a flourishing partnership: Supply Depot is now able to us...
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Published on April 19, 2024 by flan

March 2024: Update and Fundraising Ask

Supply Depot Open Collective Donors: As you may have heard, the Open Collective Foundation (our fiscal sponsor, and the way many of you have been donating!), is closing its doors. We are well on our way to securing a new fiscal sponsor, but...
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Published on March 10, 2024 by flan

December 2023 Year End Update

2023 Year End Updates Accomplishments We distributed an unprecedented amount of supplies in 2023- stay tuned for final numbers in early January. We are extraordinarily grateful to ...
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Published on December 21, 2023 by flan


Sanctuary Supply Depot is a Minneapolis-based mutual aid collective facilitating the collection and distribution of basic survival supplies for our unhoused neighbors.

Our volunteer team does regular distribution at the encampments several times per week, so we’ve built ongoing relationships of trust with the residents there. Our unhoused neighbors know best what they need, and we do our best to listen and provide it, whether that’s tents, tarps, fresh water, portable phone chargers, or jerry-rigging a portable camp toilet since the city refuses to provide portapotties. Your donations help us meet these needs and literally keep people alive. It's freezing to death (or hot as heck) out here in Minnesota— let's show up for our people. We take care of each other.

Since the city continues to evict encampments and bulldoze people’s belongings in the process, we find ourselves having to replace survival supplies regularly

Our team



Sarah G




