Open Collective
Open Collective


Part of: SAVE

with this project we aim to fight stigma against sexworkers.


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

€496.57 EUR

Total raised

€7,111.93 EUR

Total disbursed

€6,615.36 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€517.00 EUR


The peepshow is build on wheels, and travels throughout the Netherlands and beyong to  fight for our rights, inform the public, fight stigma, and help support sex workers financially during difficult times. So far the peepshow has been to various places where work location have been closed, to protests, and to events such as Dutch Design Week (eindhoven) and Sex Workers Art Festival (brussels). At the end of march we will be at the Queer Red Porn Festival (Amsterdam). 

the project started during covid times. Due to the rules and restrictions of covid-19, many sex workers have been left without work for months. Many sex workers were not able to receive financial support from the government. The government also uses covid-19 as a time to dissolve our places of work. The peepshow was a way to protest this. However, now that the restrictions have been lifted, we continue to use the peepshow as a means to open up conversations with the public about sexwork. 

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peepshowhoes is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting peepshowhoes.

Soa Aids Nede...

€6,193 EUR


€965 EUR


€517 EUR


€10 EUR