Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
A web authoring framework for independent publications.

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Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Situs.run.
WYSIWYG editor
Encursive hypertext composition and trans-publication in the browser.
Powerful, context-aware hypertext pre-processor and content supervisor.
Situs.run is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Situs.run.

Transparent and open finances.
Monthly Development
from Yarrow Love to Situs.run •
-$4,000.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
--.-- USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

The creator(s) of Situs want to empower authors to write —and get back to writing ourselves. We are on a mission to resolve the technical resistance standing in the way of creative expression on the web.
Unsatisfied with the tooling available for web authorship twenty-five years into the making of the World Wide Web and its general adoption by the majority of civilization, disappointed with the going practice of web development, unwilling to accept the status quo of authors having to choose between lesser evils: dependency on corporate gatekeepers or else dealing personally with the cognitive load of complicated technology. For independent creatives, these are not viable options, so we began to diagnose the issue.
Why are web technologies so difficult to handle today? Why are folks who build the web called developers and not producers? Why is the process of building websites bound to re-compilation cycles that entail development operations or else databases, content management systems, and back-end services? Why is this so complicated? Situs intends to recover a more simple way of authoring the web.
What we appreciate about existing web frameworks is the aesthetic of the developer experience (DX). Developers are offered composition at what appears to be a low cost: "Web Components" written in your flavor of choice. However web sites are not only for developers. Our primary concern is not to provide a happy developer experience but rather to provide a productive human experience (HX) for authors.
By the way, we are "developers" after all, and we must say: We think developers will love Situs too.
Unsatisfied with the tooling available for web authorship twenty-five years into the making of the World Wide Web and its general adoption by the majority of civilization, disappointed with the going practice of web development, unwilling to accept the status quo of authors having to choose between lesser evils: dependency on corporate gatekeepers or else dealing personally with the cognitive load of complicated technology. For independent creatives, these are not viable options, so we began to diagnose the issue.
Why are web technologies so difficult to handle today? Why are folks who build the web called developers and not producers? Why is the process of building websites bound to re-compilation cycles that entail development operations or else databases, content management systems, and back-end services? Why is this so complicated? Situs intends to recover a more simple way of authoring the web.
What we appreciate about existing web frameworks is the aesthetic of the developer experience (DX). Developers are offered composition at what appears to be a low cost: "Web Components" written in your flavor of choice. However web sites are not only for developers. Our primary concern is not to provide a happy developer experience but rather to provide a productive human experience (HX) for authors.
By the way, we are "developers" after all, and we must say: We think developers will love Situs too.