Open Collective
Open Collective

Gyuri Lajos


InterPersonal Symmathetic Networks

Total amount contributed

£3,313.27 GBP


Recurring Contributions


Active contribution

Amount contributed

€11.50 EUR / month

(€10 + €1.50)

Contributed to date

€130.00 EUR

Back Your Stack

Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$108.00 USD


Active contribution

Amount contributed

$5.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$310.00 USD

Open Web Docs

Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$133.00 USD

Fission Drive

Active contribution

Amount contributed

$14.75 CAD / year

($5 + $9.75)

Contributed to date

$140.00 CAD


Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$148.00 USD

Tauri Apps

Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$323.00 USD


Active contribution

Amount contributed

$2.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$201.00 USD

Rapid Sensemaking Framework

Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$193.00 USD


Active contribution

Amount contributed

$1.00 USD / month

Contributed to date

$223.00 USD


Transparent and open finances.

View All Transactions  →
Contribution #700728
Platform tip #700728
Contribution #75868
↑ Total contributed

£3,313.27 GBP

↓ Total received with expenses

£457.26 GBP


Ever since Juan Benet's TEDx talk in december 2016 it was clear to me that IPFS is the protocol that is needed to build an (inter)Personal Knowledge Augmentation Engine something that we have been working towards for a long me. Juan was working towards the same objecve in the Athena project between 2012-13. I cannot help in thinking that he realized that to advance knowledge work a new decentralized protocol for the web was needed. Since early 2017 all our exploratory development of graph based knowledge augmentation tools and and inter-operable capability protocols and co-eveolvable knowledge presentations to be built on top of IPFS's hypermedia distribution protocol. We are adding to content address ability a layer of human readable addressing of capabilies. We gone all in with architecting everything around OrbitDB and IPFS. In our vision it boils down to creating People Centered Architecture which allows inter-operability with exisng centralized Services. Decoupling storage from Services as is done with SoLid, building decentralized capability infrastructure as with Holo are great steps forward. We need inter-operability across the board: Weaving a People-Centered, Polycentric, Autonomous Web of (Inter)(Personal) Tinkerable, Interoperable, IndieWeb Nave Capabilies We need a back to the future project to build a Inter-operability Protocols, go beyond Ontologies and the current Semantic Web