SMCS Alumni Collective
The mission of the SMCS Alumni Collective is to support the students of the Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science (SMCS) program at Poolesville High School.
SMCS Alumni Collective is all of us
Our contributors 24
Thank you for supporting SMCS Alumni Collective.
$250 USD
Alex Yee
$1,000 USD
Jeffrey Falgout
SMCS Alumni Distinguished M...
$500 USD
Haris Godil
SMCS Alumni General Membership
$75 USD
Rebecca Krosnick
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$25 USD
Kevin Lee
$25 USD
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
Maria Shkeda
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
Ishan Khetarpal
$200 USD
Andrew Li
$777 USD
Mihir Khetarpal
SMCS Alumni General Membership
$100 USD
Katherine Tran
SMCS Alumni General Membership
$75 USD
Max Chen
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$25 USD
Urjoshi Nahid
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$10 USD
Avi Trost
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
Tomas Gaigalas
SMCS Alumni Distinguished M...
$1,000 USD
Matthew Bird
SMCS Alumni Distinguished M...
$500 USD
Alexander Tol...
SMCS Alumni General Membership
$75 USD
Sheng Zhang
SMCS Alumni General Membership
$75 USD
Mark Estep
Friends of SMCS Membership
$25 USD
Liam Bourque
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$10 USD
Dineth Meegoda
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
shubham bhatn...
SMCS Alumni Student Membership
$5 USD
Transparent and open finances.
Drive for Server (Cyber / Networking / Elements)
3D printer parts for the SMCS House
--.-- USD
$4,395.09 USD
$4,395.09 USD
--.-- USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from SMCS Alumni Collective
Updates on our activities and progress.
2023 Year in Review
NCIS-style Cyber Security Competition that 200 students play every year
Update 05/17/23
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Hello from Mr. Lee
Published on October 19, 2023 by Kevin Lee
Hello from Mr. Lee! I’m so excited to have had the opportunity to fill the gigantic shoes of Mr. Curran as the Head of House for SMCS. It’s hard to believe I’m in my 6th year in the position, but even harder to believe it’s been 17 years si...
Current state of SMCS -- Estep's perspective
Published on June 5, 2023 by Mark Estep
Current state of SMCS -- Estep's perspective 5/24/23It is hard to believe we've been at this for 17 years. From Day 1 - folding chairs and tables in room 14 and the only computer in the room was my laptop, to watching a brand new building b...
How can the collective help you?
Published on June 1, 2023 by breadchris
As we get the wheels off the ground for the collective, we want to understand what content might be interesting/useful that we can put together for you. We have been talking about some ideas such as:Newsletter: current SMCS projects (that w...
Our team
Ishan Khetarpal