Open Collective
Open Collective

Space Pirates


Navigating the murkey grey seas between deserted islands of paradise.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


We are attempting to negotiate with the owner of Area 51 to stay until 15/12/22. Full details to be decided in court on Tuesday 01/11/22, in summar... Read more

£4.65 GBP of £1,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£5 GBP


Please do not attempt to buy this item unless you are using Nomadic Voodoo Funk Squid Temple money. This archive, made of diligently hand harvested... Read more

£0.00 GBP of £1,500 GBP raised (0%)

£1,500 GBP

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Support the following initiatives from Space Pirates.

Raise capital for a refurbished letterpress, for printing Pirate's Code-Decks, so that The Pirate...
Community of friends interested in DJ'ing and learning
Save up for sweet sound, sweet lights, sweet parties ^_~
Humans and others accepted/welcome to volunteer/sacrifice themselves for Space Piracy experimenta...
To survey locations before we open them up to ensure the safety of our visitors. (to be unarchive...


Space Pirates is hosting the following events.

Past event
10:02 PM-10:03 PM UTC
Every wed 7pm - 1am | Tickets can be free/exchanged for poster competition entries/bartered excha...Read more

Attended by

Past event
06:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC

Attended by

No attendees
Past event

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
05:30 PM-07:30 PM UTC
all info TBC

Attended by

Past event
01:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
4475 days later, and in honor of the original event, build a KITCHEN from SCRATCH! as seen here h...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
09:00 PM UTC
Temporary Art Squat!! Live music, conceptual performances, spoken word, poets, artwork, and more!...Read more

Attended by

Past event
07:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
its only 5pm there or something maybe its 10 hours..

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
12:00 PM UTC
Live and train with the Space Pirates full-time for a week - Follow the Cypher daily from Sunday....Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
10:00 PM UTC
[*50/200 refundable pilot tickets for our (after/)party] In anticipation of Space Pirates fun to ...Read more

Attended by

Past event
06:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
Paint on this big fuckoff banner to hang from the top floor window! BYO supplies if possible

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
11:00 PM UTC
one last time for Area 51. you'll be asked to show this tickets on the door, there are a few more...Read more

Attended by

Past event
03:00 PM-09:00 PM UTC
Co-creative impromptu lifedrawing all afternoon/evening. Materials, models, etc both provided and...Read more

Attended by

Past event
09:00 PM UTC
Big rigz, mini skate ramp, bouncy castle, doin tha worm, dog, painting, NO DOG PAINTING, chill ro...Read more

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
Come any time from friday night to get involved and help decorate, paint, create and setup saturd...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
05:30 PM UTC
Just a little squatwarming party. (watch updates below for exact address and anonymous ticket ava...Read more

Attended by

Past event
06:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC
A meeting for people interested in discussing the project IRL

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
05:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC
Come together, create and share art. (Wall) paint and ads to use as canvasses provided for free -...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
04:00 PM-04:45 PM UTC
What it is, how it works and why to use it.

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
06:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
Dinner together

Attended by

No attendees

Top financial contributors

Jenny Waste

£4.81 GBP since Jul 2024


£4.78 GBP since Oct 2022

Space Pirates is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Space Pirates.




Area 51 Security Deposit

£5 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #775550
Platform tip #775550

March 2023

from Jenny Waste to General Waste
-£450.00 GBP
Invoice #204588
Today’s balance

£551.79 GBP

Total raised

£581.80 GBP

Total disbursed

£30.01 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£4.81 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Space Pirates

Updates on our activities and progress.

Avast me hearties!!!

Yo ho ho! There be fresh winds a blowin! Ere be yer first fischy update... Our ambitious wintry exploits have left us with a meagre half thousand groats or whatever ye be calling em these days... This has been buried away from the intewebs...
Read more
Published on August 12, 2022 by Cyborg Psychopomp


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

Negotiations with the owner of Area 51

Published on October 27, 2022 by Cyborg Psychopomp

We are attempting to negotiate with the owner of Area 51 to stay until 15/12/22. As long as we leave the building in a tidy state, the security...


Space Pirates plan and reflect on how to liberate deserted islands of paradise having understood the Pirates Code. A deserted island could be anything from an abandoned tax haven to a plot of land to a canal boat co-operative. 

Our team