Sunrise Choir
a team working on solarpunk social protocols with Scuttlebutt

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$315 USD since Dec 2019
$240 USD since Feb 2019
$150 USD since Jan 2020
$120 USD since Jan 2022
$115 USD since Oct 2020
$100 USD since Aug 2021
$58 USD since Jan 2021
$50 USD since Feb 2019
$32 USD since Feb 2020
$8 USD since Feb 2020
$6,165 USD since Jul 2019
Sunrise Choir is all of us
Our contributors 15
Thank you for supporting Sunrise Choir.
Mikey Williams
Piet Geursen
Matt McKegg
$6,165 USD
Filipe Farinha
$240 USD
Irakli Gozali...
$150 USD
$120 USD
Cyryl Plotnicki
$115 USD
Miles Thompson
$100 USD
Archer T. Ships
$58 USD
Jacob Burden
$50 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$313.56 USD
$6,494.03 USD
$6,180.47 USD
$120.00 USD

the Sunrise Choir is a team developing the next generation of solarpunk peer-to-peer communication systems using Scuttlebutt.
we aim to evolve the fundamentals of the Scuttlebutt core protocol: to create both a future-proofed, maintainable, and accessible implementation and a tightly-coordinated, clearly defined, focused, and rhythmic team.
we want future peer-to-peer communication infrastructure:
- backwards-compatible with the existing Scuttlebutt network
- developed by a well-coordinated team with a clear roadmap
- accessible to new developers and maintainable by existing developers
- friendly to other human and computer languages, composed of orthogonal parts that each focus on a separate concern
- well-specified for humans to audit design, well-documented for humans to grok implementation, and well-tested for computers to check implementation
- designed for crypto upgrades we should expect and designed for future changes we didn't expect
the current Sunrise Choir roadmap, in a nutshell:
- developing a core protocol team, with regular weekly meetings, a strict focus towards a clear roadmap, and monthly newsletters to share progress.
- developing a Rust-powered Scuttlebutt-native database, using the best of flumedb and existing SQL systems
- developing a consensus-free Scuttlestack, to allow different Scuttlebutt applications to cooperate in harmony without conflicts: %1bz0TXDuaM65KMTb8bgtrXuqD7L77baneTdoJ0EwRug=.sha256
- Mikey's original project announcement: %zv56AbEcR1+XKcOF3E7J+HNoKrxsd+0MQ/eVPQanfb8=.sha256
- Piet's dev diary: %kz7ve17CCEHif6owCfyjBKDkUdyAlatZ7SPV18gJ2Gk=.sha256
- Aljoscha's dev diary: %ZBzVJhKOYub7bFtZpYCeXPa3O7Me4gftEl80b+ts6Kk=.sha256
- Matt's dev diary: TODO
Sunrise Choir workers are paid a flat rate per day of work towards the current roadmap.
note: the Sunrise Choir only sponsors a maximum of 20 working days per month, to prevent burn-out.
the default rate is: (5000 USD per month / 20 working days per month) == 250 USD per working day
the team is currently funded by Mikey for a total of 1 + 1/3 full-time equivalents, but this is only a temporary bootstrap, we need your help to become financially sustainable!