Open Collective
Open Collective



In addition to planting trees, Beyond Trees supports wider change initiatives that foster better internal decision making processes, for ourselves and the world we live in.


What we do and why we do it:

We believe that real and lasting change is only possible through better internal decision-making processes. Better decisions come from a heightened awareness of ourselves, the people around us and the environment in which we live. For this reason, Beyond Trees initiates and supports tree planting projects and initiatives that focus on self-awareness and well-being.

The key to saving the environment is not just to plant more trees, but to improve the overall quality of decisions so that we do not repeat the mistakes that led to environmental issues, among other things. By exploring better decision-making, we might conclude that a truly self-aware person could not harm the environment because their internal decision-making processes would be different. Research by Daniel Goleman et al, The New Leaders 2002, shows that they would make more strategic and rational decisions, have higher emotional intelligence and their actions would not be short-sighted. They would therefore be more likely to understand the reciprocal relationship between themselves and the place they live in.

“Truly self-aware people honour the environment because they understand the reciprocal relationship between themselves and the place where they live.”
- Beyond Trees

Some of our tree planting projects:
  • Urban tree planting for improved mental health of residents
  • Planting in schools for environmental education for children
  • Planting fruit trees in developing countries for poverty alleviation
  • Creating wildlife corridors to support biodiversity
  • Corporate & volunteer planting experiences for community ownership and taking responsibility
Examples of completed projects:
  1. Roha, Maharashtra state, India: communities in rural parts of India often suffer from poverty and malnutrition. Our partners, Kindness Unlimited, have chosen an unconventional approach. By giving households native fruit trees to nurture and grow, they empower local women and children and show them that they can take control over their own lives and livelihoods. Trees planted: 3,265 and more to be planted soon. SDGs supported: 1, 2, 15, 17. 
  2. Location: The Grove, Watford, Hertfordshire county, UK: through experience, something abstract becomes reality. By running planting days for businesses and volunteers, this urban tree planting project aims to bring the community together, and show people of all ages how a simple action, like planting a tree, can help make their local environment a more enriching place to live. Trees planted: 1,000 and more to be planted soon. SDGs supported: 3, 11, 13, 15. 
  3. Regents Park, London, UK: thanks to the collaboration with David Attenborough’s The Conservation Volunteers, we had the privilege of planting eight mature trees in Regent's Park, one of the six Royal Parks in London. The day of planting took place under strict health and safety measures during Covid, and the trees were planted in memory of those who passed away during the pandemic. Trees planted: 8 eight-feet tall mature trees. SDGs supported: 3, 11, 15.

For Businesses:

We work throughout the year on fundraising, seasonal planting and initiatives. For businesses, we have a portfolio of selected projects that you may choose to support in line with your ESG objectives. This may be in the form of a one-off donation or a custom programme that helps you foster long-term relationships with your customers/clients. For those looking for a nourishing team building experience, we offer the opportunity for teams to participate in our planting events. We have also run corporate wellbeing programmes in partnership with the London School of Self-Awareness.

Latest news and updates below:
The More Trees Campaign is now BEYOND TREES! 

Well, we were never your average tree planting campaign. Our efforts were always connected to how the inner environment of a person (for example the inner process of decision making) then affects the outer environment (for example the decision to clear a forest  for purely  financial gain). These types of occurrences are a matter of specific processes in the mind and heart, and they occur in us and around us for a reason. So our effort has been to help people become more and more aware of how decision making has a direct impact on our future. This includes work on meditation, values, self-awareness and much more… 

Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. John F. Kennedy 

We hope the rebrand will help focus our messaging on why we do more than just plant trees; that a true solution to the environment comes from making better choices and that doesn’t just happen by itself… 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to continuing this journey together! 

Our team

Oliver Nowell

All we have to decide is what to do with the ti...

Piotr Lesniak

Create the world you want.

Dr Padideh Tosti

Every contribution matters!


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Financial Contributions

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+ 90
One-time contribution

This donation option is for the SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL community. SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL is a boutique consultancy designing and delivering values-driven... Read more

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A small but consistent contribution can make a difference in the way we perceive our actions. We can be part of something bigger in an effortless w... Read more

£7.99 GBP / month

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+ 1

Receive a free, relaxation download that you can use as often as you like throughout the day provided by the London School for Self Awareness.

£20 GBP / month

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Receive a free, relaxation download that you can use as often as you like throughout the day provided by the London School for Self Awareness. Incl... Read more

£100 GBP / month

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Support the following initiatives from BEYOND TREES.

Проекта на Beyond Trees в България 2023

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+ 2

Top financial contributors


yuval shvartsman

£2,739.89 GBP since Nov 2021

Yuka Ito

£2,243 GBP since Aug 2021

Alan Williams

£1,667 GBP since Dec 2022

Montecchi S.p.a

£1,000 GBP since Jun 2022


£600 GBP since Jan 2022

United Green

£500 GBP since Nov 2021


£500 GBP since Dec 2021

Ilaria Montecchi G

£500 GBP since Jan 2022

Stefan Dodds

£500 GBP since Feb 2022

Kumon Watford Centres

£500 GBP since Mar 2022


£500 GBP since Dec 2022


£500 GBP since Jul 2023

Stephen Moffitt

£360 GBP since Dec 2021

Saviano Belle

£320 GBP since Oct 2021


£280 GBP since Feb 2022



£1,250 GBP since Jan 2022

The Social Change Nest

£522 GBP since Jul 2021

Plus or Minus Seven

£500 GBP since Aug 2021

Accountable Pitch Perfect

£300 GBP since Aug 2021

Estimated Annual Budget
Today's Balance


Let’s get the ball rolling!


Updates on our activities and progress.

Give the gift of living trees!

For £25 you can plant 12 trees across the UK and India on behalf of a friend, family or work colleagues. You will receive a lovely e-certificate to the email address you provide (by Christmas Eve) which you can pass on to the lucky recipien...
Read more
Published on December 22, 2022 by Dr Padideh Tosti

The More Trees Campaign is now BEYOND TREES!

Well, we were never your average tree planting campaign. Our efforts were always connected to how the inner environment of a person (for example the inner process of decision making) then affects the outer environment (for example the decis...
Read more
Published on December 13, 2022 by Dr Padideh Tosti

It all comes down to decisions

It all comes down to decisions · As you might already know, The More Trees Campaign (now called BEYOND TREES) is different to other tree planting organisations in one key aspect: we promote self-awareness above all. Why? Ac...
Read more
Published on May 29, 2022 by Dr Padideh Tosti


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #469533
Contribution #469533
Contribution #469533
Today’s balance

£3,718.17 GBP

Total raised

£19,212.71 GBP

Total disbursed

£15,494.54 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£191.86 GBP