Open Collective
Open Collective

Treehouse DAO

The web3 publishing organisation that focuses on regenerating the planet.



Support the following initiatives from Treehouse DAO.

Creating an open-source guide for aspiring village builders

Latest activity by

+ 50

Treehouse DAO is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Treehouse DAO.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #835962
Contribution #833897
Contribution #833844
Today’s balance

--.-- EUR

Total raised

--.-- EUR

Total disbursed

--.-- EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


Welcome to the Treehouse!

Treehouse DAO is a a web3 publisher focused on regenerating the planet.

We are accelerating global transition towards a regenerative way of living, through multimedia, such as books, videos, podcasts, games, articles, co-created during facilitated events - online and in person.

Our story begun on a treehouse at the Traditional Dream Factory - a regenerative village in Portugal.

Back in September 2022, a group of builders of regenerative villages came together for a mastermind to create a book.

The result blew our minds.

During 11 days of playful work we created 200 pages, a card game, an ecosystem of knowledge, a few workshop prototypes, and, perhaps most importantly, beautiful relationships between beautiful people working on beautiful projects.

Inspired by the amount of goodness that came out of our time togethter, we decided to create a publishing organisation – Treehouse DAO – the first web3 publisher focused on regenerating the planet.

We invite you to embark with us on the Journey towards Regeneration.


Our team