Chaco Canyon SpiritQuest 2022
This year's Turtle Island SpiritQuest will be held at the sacred Pueblo site of Chaco Canyon.
Thursday, July 28, 2022, 2:00 PM - Sunday, July 31, 2022, 9:00 AM (UTC-06:00)
Fiscal Host: Tree of Light

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Chaco Canyon SpiritQuest 2022
Updates on our activities and progress.
Welcoming Bill Homan and the crystal skull of love
We are also excited to be having back with us Bill and the crystal skull of love, aka the Mitchell Hedges Crystal skull, to share in ceremony on such powerful land with us all! Another few of the amazing people coming to share! If you have...
Published on May 18, 2022 by joel serino
Welcoming our Elder, Annette Moody, to Chaco Canyon SpiritQuest
Greatful to welcome back our dear sister and elder, Annette Moody coming to share her sacred pipe bundle with us all in Chaco Canyon. Such powerful wisdom and sharing coming together for this Spirit Quest...
Published on May 18, 2022 by joel serino

This year's Turtle Island SpiritQuest will be held at the sacred Pueblo site of Chaco Canyon. Our pilgrimages as before are in support and alignment with ancestral practices, and sacred site connection work with our beloved Mother Earth, and exercising our connection with Spirit. The land we work with each year seems to show up and present itself everytime, and this year's Quest has precariously built momentum and magnetism in the ancient high desert of the southwest. Regarded as one of the largest sacred site centers in our country, we look forward to coming together with community in connection, ceremony, and learning with our ancient past
As with each SpiritQuest we have the honor of hosting and connecting with the special guests and elders joining us. This year joining us we are greatful to announce 2 Dine (Navajo) elders coming to share about there work and knowledge of Chaco Canyon (more info to come out as to who they are and there work). Bill and Mitchel Hedges Crystal skull will be joining us as a point of connection to the land and ceremony! My dear Apache sister Annette, also plans to join us, as she plans to come share her chanupa/ sacred pipe with us all. Park Ranger talk and share, with the possibility of one or two other special guests to join us for this special journey!
Please keep in mind that this is a camping trip so please pack and be prepared with your own camping equipment and gear. Remember to bring your own food and water, and food items to share and potluck for dinner the days we will all be together
Schedule and itinerary to follow soon, for costs and more details pm me. Looking forward to sharing and being with everyone on this sacred journey in the heart of the ancient ones of Turtle Island
This trip is in memory and dedication to Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty, who was excited to join and share of the great knowledge and importance of Chaco Canyo.
More information at on our Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/3108664322731897
Chaco Canyon