đžđȘStödja lokala medborgarinitiativ i UmeĂ„ för att crowdfunda sina mĂ„l med Open Collective. đŹđ§Supporting local citizen initiatives in UmeĂ„ to crowdfund their goals with Open Collective.
Genom UmeÄ Tillsammans och den digitala plattformen Open Collective blir det möjligt att pÄ ett enkelt och transparent sÀtt för invÄnare med initiativ att samla in pengar och att tÀcka utgifter, utan att de sjÀlva behöver starta vare sig företag eller förening. Vi vill göra det smidigt för initiativ att söka medel frÄn fonder, fÄ stöd frÄn företag eller privatpersoner och samarbeta med offentliga aktörer.
UmeĂ„ Tillsammans kortar vĂ€gen mellan tanke och handling - samtidigt skapar vi en tĂ€tare samhĂ€llsvĂ€v.Â
UmeÄ Àr mÀnniskor och grupper, vi Àr föreningar och företag, vi Àr en kommun i en region - vi Àr UmeÄ Tillsammans och vi hoppas att du vill vara med.
đŹđ§ UmeĂ„ Together is an innovation project for a more sustainable city where people thrive and feel good. We who stand behind UmeĂ„ Together all work with social and environmental sustainability - we are convinced that the ideas and innovative power required can be found here, locally, among everyone who lives, works and moves in the municipality.
We run UmeÄ Together with the aim of lowering the thresholds so that more people have the opportunity and better conditions to be able to implement ideas and take initiatives. It's not nuclear physics - we've just learned that if everyone does something, a lot gets done. To make it a reality, we offer new simple tools and support for people and groups with their own initiative.
Through UmeÄ Together the platform Open Collective, it becomes possible in a simple and transparent way for residents with initiatives to collect mone;y and to cover expenses, without having to start either a company or an association themselves. We want to make it easy for initiatives to seek funds from funds, receive support from companies or private individuals and collaborate with public actors.
UmeÄ Together shortens the path between thought and action - at the same time we create a tighter social fabric.
UmeÄ is people and groups, we are associations and companies, we are a municipality in a region - we are UmeÄ Together and we hope you want to join.