The US Research Software Engineer Association has been archived.
The US Research Software Engineer Association has been archived and is no longer active.
The US Research Software Engineer Association
The USRSE is a member driven non-profit entity that represents the interests of research software engineers in the US.

The US Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE) is an independent, non-profit, member driven organization that works to advance the career needs of past, present and future research software engineers in the United States. Its goals include supporting current RSEs through sharing skills, knowledge and education and promoting RSE career opportunities across society as broadly and diversely as possible.
Our membership is open to anyone involved in research software engineering, interested in research software engineering careers, supportive of the research software engineering community or simply interested in supporting our mission. We don't have any limits on who that might be and are fully open to anyone joining. We have an active diversity, equity and inclusion working group that focusses on making sure anyone from any background has the opportunity to become part of the research software engineering profession.
The research software engineering field is committed to improving research software infrastructure that underpins all manner of important societally beneficial activities. The US-RSE organization is about supporting the people that make that infrastructure possible and that sustain it. Without those people the software infrastructure falls apart. Research software is used in everything from bridge design to improving crop yields to medicine to climate change adaptation to equitable finance and more.
Our membership is open to anyone involved in research software engineering, interested in research software engineering careers, supportive of the research software engineering community or simply interested in supporting our mission. We don't have any limits on who that might be and are fully open to anyone joining. We have an active diversity, equity and inclusion working group that focusses on making sure anyone from any background has the opportunity to become part of the research software engineering profession.
The research software engineering field is committed to improving research software infrastructure that underpins all manner of important societally beneficial activities. The US-RSE organization is about supporting the people that make that infrastructure possible and that sustain it. Without those people the software infrastructure falls apart. Research software is used in everything from bridge design to improving crop yields to medicine to climate change adaptation to equitable finance and more.

The US Research Software Engineer Association is all of us
Our contributors 13
Thank you for supporting The US Research Software Engineer Association.
Ian Cosden
Julia Damerow
CINK Fundraising
$1,644 USD
STEM-Trek Non...
$800 USD
David Aaron N...
$280 USD
Lance Parsons
$200 USD
John Hare
$50 USD
Jeff Wagner
$30 USD
Chad Dougherty
$20 USD
Daniel S. Katz
$10 USD
$10 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #483179
Contribution #536230
-$2,198.47 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$2,797.79 USD
Total disbursed
$2,797.79 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from The US Research Software Engineer Association
Updates on our activities and progress.
Goodbye 2022! Hello 2023!
2022 is coming to a close. Time to reflect on what this year had in store for US-RSE, and what lies ahead! Financially, US-RSE is grateful for its individual donors! We love to see that people believe in what we do and support it. We used s...
Published on December 20, 2022 by Julia Damerow
US-RSE's First Year with the Open Collective Foundation
It’s been a year! A little over a year ago, US-RSE became a hosted initiative with the Open Collective Foundation. This was an important milestone for us as an organization, as it allows us to collect money as an association and do somethin...
Published on June 22, 2022 by Julia Damerow