Campbell Archive
Holding the commons from the campbell family political archive and organise outreach of this history

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Campbell Archive
Updates on our activities and progress.
The family wesite is down but can still be found at archive.org
We need a commited funding persion to move the projects foward
Original Greenham Posters and Post Cards, sale to fund the retrospective exhibition
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
pembroke house
Published on December 15, 2023 by Thalia Campbell
hamish has shown me the archives and been sorting them out in pembroke .. museums are interested..i would like the family archives to go to museums....not to be thrown away ,,,we must sort out the copyright .. other people could exploit the...

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Financial Contributions

Our team
- Preserving Historical Memory: The Campbell archive holds a wealth of historical documents, records, and artefacts that document the political history and activism of the Campbell family. By donating to and funding the archive, you contribute to the preservation of this historical memory, ensuring that future generations have access to the stories, struggles, and achievements of grassroots activists and organizers.
- Educational Resource: The Campbell archive serves as an educational resource for students, scholars, researchers, and activists interested in political history, social movements, and grassroots organizing. By supporting the archive, you enable wider access to these materials, fostering critical thinking, historical understanding, and social consciousness among diverse audiences.
- Community Empowerment: The Campbell archive empowers communities to access their own history and heritage. By donating to and funding the archive, you support efforts to organize outreach and engagement activities that connect shared pasts, fostering a sense of identity, pride, and solidarity.
- Inspiring Future Generations: The Campbell archive inspires future generations of activists and organizers by showcasing the achievements and legacies of past movements. By supporting the archive, you help to amplify the voices and stories of grassroots people and visionaries, providing inspiration and guidance for those working to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.
- Promoting Social Justice: The Campbell archive contributes to the promotion of social justice by highlighting the struggles and victories of marginalized communities and social movements. By donating to and funding the archive, you support efforts to organize outreach and educational initiatives to raise awareness about inequality, discrimination, and oppression, empowering people and communities to advocate for change.
In summary, donating to and funding the Campbell archive is essential for preserving historical memory, providing educational resources, empowering communities, inspiring future generations, and promoting social justice. By supporting the archive, you contribute to the preservation and dissemination of important historical knowledge and empower people and communities to engage in meaningful social change.
- Passive Consensus: The foundation of the Campbell archive is built on passive consensus, which means decisions and funding allocations are made based on the absence of objections rather than explicit agreement. This approach encourages trust among participants and fosters a sense of collective ownership and responsibility.
- Documented Work: Before decisions and funding can be released, documented work is required to demonstrate the need and validity of the proposed projects or initiatives. This process provides transparency and accountability, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and responsibly.
- Decision-Making Process: The Campbell archive follows a decision-making process that varies depending on the nature and complexity of the issue at hand:
- Small, non-controversial decisions or funding requests may be announced without extensive discussion.
- Projects or funding requests that require discussion and input from the community are subject to a visible conversation on the site. This allows stakeholders to engage and provide feedback before decisions are made.
- Controversial issues require a clear consensus to proceed, following a thorough and visible/recorded open process. This ensures that decisions are made collaboratively and reflect the values and priorities of the community.
- #4opens Process: The Campbell archive adheres to the #4opens principles, which include open data, open source, open standards, and open process. These principles ensure transparency, accessibility, and inclusivity in the governance and operation of the archive.
- Focaliser: A #focaliser plays a role in bringing together the focus of the Campbell archive and help with the decision-making process.
- Grassroots Consensus-Based Governance: The Campbell archive serves as a working exemplar of grassroots consensus-based governance.
We have been working this way so far:
* Small, non-controversial decisions/funding, need to be announced.
* To be meaningfully, projects and funding that need to be discussed, need a visible conversation on the site with people who might disagree, to give time so that they can engage.
* Controversial issues need a clear consensus to go through after a good visible/record open process.
NO invoices or payment that come without this #4opens process can be paid out.
A #focaliser helps to bring this together. This is a space to build a working exemplar of grassroots consensus based governance, based on #4opens and trust, let's be the best people we can be.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from NOW Gallery to Campbell Archive •
CampbellArchive Stamp
€5,512.19 EUR
€6,395.55 EUR
€883.36 EUR
€65.00 EUR