Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Node.js modules to build your very own database.

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Gyuri Lajos
$227 USD since Mar 2019
$225 USD since Dec 2018
austin frey
$115 USD since Jan 2018
Yaniv Kessler
$100 USD since Jun 2018
$100 USD since May 2022
Danny Paz
$25 USD since Jun 2018
the noffs
$20 USD since Apr 2018
$20 USD since Jul 2021
$10 USD since May 2020
$10 USD since Mar 2022
SmartHoldem Platform
$50 USD since May 2018
$50 USD since Dec 2018
$50 USD since Feb 2022
$20 USD since Oct 2019
$20 USD since Nov 2020
$1 USD since Mar 2021

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Gyuri Lajos to Level •
Contribution #58252
Credit from Gyuri Lajos to Level •
Contribution #58252
Contribution #814374
Today’s balance$589.62 USD
Total raised
$863.61 USD
Total disbursed
$273.99 USD
Estimated annual budget
$12.50 USD

Level is a collection of Node.js modules for creating transparent databases. A solid set of primitives enable powerful databases to be built in userland. They can be embedded or networked, persistent or transient - in short, tailored to your needs.
At the heart of Level are key-value databases that follow the characteristics of LevelDB. They support binary keys and values, batched atomic writes and bi-directional iterators that read from a snapshot in time. Entries are sorted lexicographically by keys which, when combined with ranged iterators, makes for a powerful query mechanism. Level combines idiomatic JavaScript interfaces like async iterators with Node.js interfaces like streams, events and buffers. It offers a rich set of data types through encodings and can split a database into evented sections called sublevels.
At the heart of Level are key-value databases that follow the characteristics of LevelDB. They support binary keys and values, batched atomic writes and bi-directional iterators that read from a snapshot in time. Entries are sorted lexicographically by keys which, when combined with ranged iterators, makes for a powerful query mechanism. Level combines idiomatic JavaScript interfaces like async iterators with Node.js interfaces like streams, events and buffers. It offers a rich set of data types through encodings and can split a database into evented sections called sublevels.
The underlying storage can be easily swapped by selecting a different database implementation, all sharing a common API and the same characteristics. Together they target a wide range of runtime environments: Node.js and Electron on Linux, Mac OS, Windows and FreeBSD, including ARM platforms like Raspberry Pi and Android, as well as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, iOS Safari and Chrome for Android.
Where do I start?
The level module is the recommended way to get started. It offers a persistent database that works in both Node.js and browsers, backed by LevelDB and IndexedDB respectively. Many alternatives are available. For example, memory-level is an in-memory database backed by a red-black tree. Visit awesome to discover more modules. See our project board to find out what we're working on. If you need help - technical, philosophical or other - feel free to open an issue in community or a more specific repository.