.ignore plugin that handles .gitignore (and many other dot-ignore like files) in JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, PhpStorm, Android Studio, ...).

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Financial Contributions
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$100 USD since Nov 2018
$80 USD since Jan 2019
$50 USD since Apr 2018
$30 USD since Aug 2018
$20 USD since Nov 2017
$20 USD since Apr 2018
$20 USD since Dec 2020
$15 USD since Mar 2019
$10 USD since Apr 2018
$10 USD since Jul 2018
$10 USD since Aug 2018
$10 USD since Oct 2018
$10 USD since Jan 2019
$10 USD since May 2019
$10 USD since May 2019
$180 USD since Jan 2019
$20 USD since Dec 2020
.ignore is all of us
Our contributors 21
Thank you for supporting .ignore.
$20 USD
$180 USD
Steve McKay
$100 USD
Vadim Maximov
$80 USD
Daniel Sobral
$30 USD
Michael Squires
$20 USD
Ravi Teja Pot...
$20 USD
$20 USD
Patrick Kox
$15 USD
Joshua Portway
$10 USD
Elior Boukhobza
$10 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Ravi Teja Pothana to .ignore using a Gift Card from Salesforce •
Credit from marat fatkullov to .ignore •
$18.00 USD
$365.11 USD
$347.11 USD
--.-- USD

18 Jun 2014 - this is the date of my first commit to the idea-gitignore repository.
After over:
- 3+ years,
- 800+ commits,
- 6,5M+ downloads,
I am still actively developing this .ignore plugin.
What and why?
A lot of people are using IDEs made by JetBrains company - like IntelliJ, PhpStorm, Android Studio, PyCharm and others… me too. And I'm working with GIT, Docker, NPM - hype words, right.
But there is (was) a problem - missing support for something so obvious like .gitignore file. So I have decided to fill this gap. And here it is - plugin that supports not only .gitignore, but also other ignore-like files (general idea: list files in .somethingignore, use glob pattern).
And what it does?
A lot:
- Files syntax highlight
- Graying out ignored files in the Project View
- Gitignore templates filtering and selecting in rules generator by name and content
- User custom templates
- Show ignored files by specified Gitignore file
- Create file in currently selected directory
- Generate Gitignore rules basing on GitHub's templates collection
- Add selected file/directory to Gitignore rules from popup menu
- Suggesting .gitignore file creation for new project
- Entries inspection (duplicated, covered, unused, incorrect syntax, relative entries) with fix actions
- Comments and brackets support
- Navigation to entries in Project view
- Renaming entries from ignore file
- Close opened ignored files action
- Custom user templates with import/export features
What is supported?
You are supported! <3
Jokes aside! Almost everything. If something is missing - let me know - I'll add it!
- .gitignore (GIT),
- .hgignore (Mercurial),
- .npmignore (NPM),
- .dockerignore (Docker),
- .chefignore (Chef),
- .cvsignore (CVS),
- .bzrignore (Bazaar),
- .boringignore (Darcs),
- .mtn-ignore (Monotone),
- ignore-glob (Fossil),
- .jshintignore (JSHint),
- .tfignore (Team Foundation),
- .p4ignore (Perforce),
- .flooignore (Floobits),
- .eslintignore (ESLint),
- .cfignore (Cloud Foundry),
- .jpmignore (Jetpack),
- .stylelintignore (StyleLint),
- .stylintignore (Stylint),
- .swagger-codegen-ignore (Swagger Codegen),
- .helmignore (Kubernetes Helm),
- .upignore (Up),
- .prettierignore (Prettier),
It is working - really!
Generate new file and templates usage
Support for typing new rules, linking rules with matched files
Code inspections
Our team