Koko Analytics
Open-source analytics plugin for WordPress that does not use any external services and respects your visitors’ privacy.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$50 USD since Sep 2022
$50 USD since Sep 2022
$35 USD since Sep 2022
$20 USD since Sep 2022
$20 USD since Jun 2023
$10 USD since Sep 2022
$90 USD since Aug 2022
$10 USD since Aug 2022
Koko Analytics is all of us
Our contributors 10
Thank you for supporting Koko Analytics.
Harish Chouhan
Danny van Kooten
$90 USD
Gabriele Laesser
$50 USD
Frank Goossens
$50 USD
$35 USD
Tobias Batten...
$20 USD
$20 USD
iXyr Media
$10 USD
$10 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Koko Analytics
Updates on our activities and progress.
Introducing Koko Analytics Pro
We're discontinuing this collective soon in favor of a Pro version
Koko Analytics is now on OpenCollective.
Transparent and open finances.
$12.15 USD
$238.35 USD
$226.20 USD
$10.00 USD
Still something irked me. Because of Fathom being self-hosted and written in a compiled language (Go), our main audience were still developers or those familiar with devops. I wanted to reach a broader audience. What if I could build an analytics plugin for WordPress that was simply plug & play? Could that be built so that it could scale?
In 2020, I released a first version of Koko Analytics. The result of my journey over the previous 3 years.
Every website opting to use Koko Analytics over Google Analytics is a win for the internet, if you ask me. It's faster, way more private and entirely self-hosted by the website owner, meaning their data is really theirs.
Our team
Harish Chouhan
Danny van Kooten