Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
Holiday update 2024/2025
Published on December 20, 2024 by Newham Solidarity Fund
Dear neighbours,It’s that time of year again and the Newham Solidarity Fund team and our accounting service will be taking a break over the holiday period. This means the normal schedule of payments will change for the next two weeks....
Holiday update 2023
Published on December 19, 2023 by Newham Solidarity Fund
Dear neighbours, The Newham Solidarity Fund administrators and our accounting service will be taking a break over the holiday period. This means the normal schedule of payments will change for the next two weeks. Please not...
Dear neighbours, This month marks 3 years since we first started this project together. So much has happened in that time. We have raised - and redistributed - almost £50,000. That's 1,000 £50 grants to nei...
Dear Neighbours, We hope this update finds you well. We are changing the way we allocate grants to people who have received from the fund four or more times, to make the system fairer....
Community print workshop
Published on September 16, 2023 by Rebecca W
Dear neighbours, 🎨 Have you ever wanted to to make your own prints? Did you mi...
Hi neighbours, We’re getting in touch to share details about an event being run by our universal basic income project partners - the Basic Income Conversation. The evening (on 6 April 2023) will provide an opportunity to learn more about a...
Dear neighbours, Happy new year! We're excited to announce that as of this month we have hit a huge milestone of raising and redistributing £40,000 since we opened the Newham Solidarity Fund in October 2020! We couldn't have done this witho...
Holiday break 2022
Published on December 24, 2022 by Rebecca W
Dear neighbours, The Newham Solidarity Fund administrators and our accounting service are now taking a break over the holiday period. This means the normal schedule of payments will pause next week. There will be no payment...
Dear community, We hope you have all been staying safe in the heat. A reminder that we will be celebrating our second birthday (nearly) on Sunday 24th July in East Ham Central Park with a ...
Dear Neighbours, We're excited to announce two upcoming events for your diaries, taking place over what some are already calling the 2022 'Summer of Solidarity'. We've been organising unconditional community solidarity for close to 2 years...
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