a team working on solarpunk social hardware with Scuttlebutt

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$1,540 USD since Feb 2019
$845 USD since Oct 2020
$700 USD since Feb 2019
$460 USD since Sep 2019
$150 USD since Jun 2019
$148 USD since May 2020
$145 USD since Mar 2019
$130 USD since Apr 2019
$108 USD since Apr 2022
$40 USD since Aug 2019
$32 USD since Feb 2020
$30 USD since Dec 2023
$30 USD since Dec 2023
$21 USD since Jun 2019
$15 USD since Aug 2022
$9,000 USD since Aug 2022
$3,530 USD since Jul 2019
$500 USD since Jun 2019
$100 USD since Dec 2019
PeachCloud is all of us
Our contributors 21
Thank you for supporting PeachCloud.
Mikey Williams
$1,540 USD
$9,000 USD
$3,530 USD
$845 USD
Sean Billig
$700 USD
$148 USD
Martin G
$145 USD
Anders And
$130 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$241.17 USD
$20,894.49 USD
$20,653.32 USD
$316.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from PeachCloud
Updates on our activities and progress.
July 2023 - February 2024
April 2022 - June 2023
January - March 2022

the PeachCloud team is working on a hardware device for Scuttlebutt that will facilitate peer-to-peer communication across your social networks.
we aim to bring (cloud) computing back into the home as a friendly and accessible Raspberry Pi-powered device - enabling more local social and economic networks to flourish without a dependence on corporations who profit from being in the middle of your inter-personal conversations, and providing re-usable modular infrastructure to support a future of useful and adaptable home computing in your ever-evolving lifestyle.
- the system is a root system for your social network
- center your home as a data network of social and economic activity
- increase surface area for nutrient acquisition and distribution
- facilitate real-time media-rich interactions
- store your favorite niche content
- transport your data with you as you move locations
- reduce dependence on external networks, external data centers, etc
- the system is a teacher to guide you on your journey
- invite less-technical people to become more technical
- be simple on the surface, powerful under the hood
- example: more like excel spreadsheets, less like apple interfaces
- embody the underlying system in the interface, expose the internals
- friendly automation
- your personal robot friend, your home computer
- no surprises, any automation should be upfront and clear
- be helpful, but don't try to guess what the user wants
- give the user the power-tools to automate their own desires
- accessible to contributors
- modules are well-documented
- code follows best practices
- focus on being accessible and maintainable, not being clever and complicated
- focus on being boring and just working, not being shiny and perfect
- provide an opinionated foundation to build flexible ecosystem
- living culture builds living tech, not the other way around
- peer production as a deployment strategy
in order to release a minimum viable PeachCloud device, we will be working to solve the following problems:
- how to bring the cloud to your home
- how to discover the Peach as a wireless access point and connect it to your home network
- how to setup your Peach to be accessible over the internet using dynamic DNS
- how to handle hot-plugging USB storage devices used to store your data
- how to interface with the Peach as a physical device and as an internet-connected device
- how to build a scalable pattern of Debian-packaged micro-services that each do one thing well
- how to keep time with a real-time clock
- how to connect your social network
- how to invite your friends
- how to monitor data usage, by you and your friends
Our team
Mikey Williams