Undoing Our Erasure has been archived.
Undoing Our Erasure has been archived and is no longer active.
Undoing Our Erasure
existing as an all around resource to tend to the community through radical love, care, and education.

Undoing Our Erasure is all of us
Our contributors 11
Thank you for supporting Undoing Our Erasure.
alycia kamil ...
$160 USD
jalen kobayashi
Crossroads Fund
$9,000 USD
pay what you can
$1,600 USD
$800 USD
$300 USD
Naomi Borowsky
$50 USD
Anne Daquino
$50 USD
$25 USD
$20 USD
$20 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Digital Graphic creation & curriculum planning / workshop & mutual aid event
from alycia kamil moaton to Undoing Our Erasure •
-$180.00 USD
-$250.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$11,049.86 USD
Total disbursed
$11,049.86 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Undoing Our Erasure
Updates on our activities and progress.
Closing out!
Hello everyone, we hope you all have been having a great start to 2024! Just wanted to bring you all some updates as the year is shifting, so is the work on Undoing Our Erasure. We will be archiving our page with Open Collective as we will...
Published on January 12, 2024 by alycia kamil moaton
Winter Solstice What's Update
Hello All! We hope during these tough times that 2023 has presented, that you all were able to find solace in peaceful moments. This year has affirmed the importance of having a tight-knit community, and understanding individualism is not a...
Published on December 6, 2023 by alycia kamil moaton
Here's what we've been up to!
Hello everyone, just wanted to give some updates on the work we've been doing! Always grateful for the funding & donations- they allow this work to continue! We've been able to expand two different programs & we're getting ready to...
Published on September 13, 2023 by alycia kamil moaton

Undoing Our Erasure, a movement work based resource hub was created at the start of the pandemic in 2020. It was birthed by Alycia Kamil, a multi-medium freedom fighter from the south side of Chicago, with the intention of creating space for voices that live throughout the diaspora, that typically are silenced. Within the past 2 years a lot has changed, and what started off as just a platform to uncover the stories of those who have been erased- has now transformed into something much bigger. Through Undoing Our Erasure a myriad of programs have taken shape, what started off as just a podcast series has now grown into many avenues. From facilitating workshops, to hosting free pop up stores, running month long book clubs, and providing writing workshops, we’re ready to expand the kind of resources we’re offering to the members of our community. Mutual Aid plays an integral role in keeping our community members safe. Access to food, clothing, housing, and other essentials to livelihood should not be a challenge, so within these efforts we are creating straight to the point solutions. It’s hard to enjoy the interactive programming we offer when you are faced with financial burdens that distract you from engaging in soothing activities. You can’t start on your creative endeavors if you’re worried about how to keep your lights on. You won’t be able to participate in healing centered events if you’re worried about transportation there and back. Mutual aid is an everlasting transformative and healing practice that shouldn’t just stop once you send money to someone. Within the Pass it On program, we will also help connect applicants to other resources so they can avoid financial blockages later on down the line. When requesting funds, applicants will be able to add what other wrap-around services they might need- connecting them to jobs, helping them get set up with therapy, etc. Full transparency of the funds, and where they are going will also be practiced within this program. That’s how we create a culture of honesty, and the proper way we give back to community members. The Undoing Our Erasure’s Pass it On mutual aid program will be providing immediate funding to Black Indigenous, and other non-Black POC who are in need. From paying off phone bills, other utilities, providing funds to buy groceries, having money for transportation, or buying essentials needed for around the house. This program will provide monetary relief to all common stressors everyday people face. If you have the extra money to give to someone in need, pass it on. This program will work to set a culture in organizing environments on how important it is to make sure you’re always looking out for others. While we’re still existing in the midst of a global pandemic with no more financial assistance from state entities, it’s up to our community members to make sure no one is left behind.
Our team
alycia kamil ...
jalen kobayashi